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  1. B

    Am I pushing it?

    You'll already know far more about this than me, so these 'tips' probably aren't helpful, but meh. Is there any way you can save more money? Can you find a cheaper place to rent? Can you keep more careful track of your finances? Can you figure how to cut on money spent on food, clothes...
  2. B

    Should I take a gap year?

    Re: Should i take a gapyera As someone who took an awesome gap year this year, my answer would be a resounding yes. My year started bad because everything fell through and I ended up with essentially endless free time (an aimless gap year is the worst), but I quickly picked up more unusual...
  3. B

    How many notebooks?

    Probably it will, but feel free to be flexible. Play it by ear and see how it goes, it really doesn't matter given that they're not expensive :P
  4. B

    How many notebooks?

    Hmm yeah, those notes are ones I'd probably do on a computer if that's feasible for you. Purely because you can keep easily updating them and combining information from multiple sources (which is the art of great notes - drawing thousands of little puzzle pieces of information from different...
  5. B

    How many notebooks?

    Display book to catch all the teacher's annoying handouts. You might as well get a whole heap of notebooks tbh - probably like 30 lol - you can never get too many as you'll use them in life after HSC anyway. Start however you like in just a few of them and then play it by ear. You don't...
  6. B

    gap year for working troubles.

    Have you done thorough online reading about interviews and jobfinding? There's heaps of tips on the internet about how to change how you present yourself - hugely worth a read, if you follow them it'll seriously increase your chance of getting a job. But yeah it can be hard, and it's...
  7. B

    How hard is 90+ atar!

    Just remember that the average ATAR is 60-something, so while I'm not going to say 90 isn't achievable, please all be careful of saying that 90 is piss-easy; I saw so many people badly hurt by the scores they got because they thought that 80-90 was 'normal' and since they were 'average' they'd...
  8. B

    Can I still get 97 ATAR???

    Curious, what would you say if I said, no, you absolutely cannot? Would it change how you worked? But yeah, the key is: keep working consistently rather than being knocked down. AND, figure out why you were knocked down last time. Heaps of people just keep pushing without changing anything...
  9. B

    CPR qualification expired-Can my first aid qualifications be from diff companies?

    Yep, that's how you do it - CPR each year, anywhere you like, the rest of the qualification only once each 3 yrs, also anywhere you like.
  10. B

    I feel so alone in this gap year

    I did a gap year doing a TAFE certificate in aged care/tutoring/writing for companies for VCE subjects/blogging/reading entrepreneur stuff coz it's cool. It's been great fun - I'd recommend it! All the best and have fun - going the 'road less travelled' is truly thrilling and I can say that I...
  11. B

    studying in the holidays

    In maths, you don't need notes - just work through the textbook doing the exercises. English, read your texts (again hopefully), start a quote bank and start pulling apart your themes, characters, techniques, author's values, ideas etc. Generating your own ideas rather than just coughing up...
  12. B

    What are you listening to?

    I'm the coolest kid round. Classical all the way. Checking my playlist: Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, Rachmaninoff's 2nd piano concerto, Brahms' 3rd symphony, Beethoven's symphony 9, and Khachaturian's piano concerto. :tongue:
  13. B

    99+ atar at a low ranked school?

    Absolutely, I could point you to a couple of (VCE) examples where people from schools ranked in the 300s got 99.65 or 99.70. If you're the top of your cohort, then it's generally your exam marks alone that decide your final score. How is your school going to stop you from getting a high...
  14. B

    Notes - Handwritten or Typed Up?

    Depends on the person. How I did it? Typed - because then I could could keep editing it the whole year through; every time I found more information, I could add and rearrange. It let me make super-concise notes because I could keep editing and chopping and rearranging (and the process of...