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  1. J

    Boston Marathon Explosions

    it is a saddening tragedy, but the amount of publicity that events get above events like this pisses me off :/
  2. J

    Gillard cuts $2.8b from unis

    I just pray gillard and the entire labor party is ousted in september Q.Q The lack of logic in these proposed cuts just demonstrates the desperation and idiocy which comprises our government
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    Is this plagiarism?

    as in the quotes are from the book? or they're quotes the tutor came up with about the book? if its the second and you take their idea without giving credit then yes it's plagiarism. second question: no it's not plagiarism because you're developing your own ideas. if you use their idea without...
  4. J

    How can I really study for these subjects?

    past papers all day for maths bio/chem you need to know your syllabus and have dot points summaries for each point. english practice writing papers are the best way to go i believe
  5. J

    Do year 11 ranks usually correlate?

    if you're ranked highly in year 11 theres no reason you wont be able to maintain it with consistent work :) my mentality was year 11 doesnt count so i didnt try too hard. jumped up so many ranks in year 12 and surprised the shit out of people haha
  6. J

    Ways to manage stress for half-yearlies and HSC? :/

    FORCE yourself to take breaks... if thats 6 hours straight study you're doing you need to break it up. watch some tv, play some games, go outside, play an instrument, do one of your hobbies. keep calm and think about the hsc in the long run. try not to freak out now or you might be even worse...
  7. J

    A question about HSC marks?

    ^^ woo i explained it right. i didnt go into the gaps between marks cus it just complicates it when the question wasnt asking for it :c
  8. J

    What is the best way to prepare for the externals?

    have all your notes ready by the end of school. in the break before the hsc do as many past papers as possible, when you're not doing past papers read notes, when youre not reading notes, think about your notes, when you're not doing that then sleep
  9. J

    A question about HSC marks?

    whatever mark you get in the HSC exam is yours, it makes up 50% of your mark. the other 50% is your assessment mark which is determined based on your rank and your cohort's performance. If you are ranked first you will get the highest assessment mark from your cohort in that subject. if you are...
  10. J

    Complete notes from 2012 HSC Biology

    glad to help :) pm me if you have any questions
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    PD Notes with Improving Performance and Sports Medicine

    i got 94 as my hsc mark - cant remember if that's raw or not lol
  12. J

    Complete notes from 2012 HSC Biology

    no worries, totally forgot about saying I'd send these to people last year haha
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    Complete notes from 2012 HSC Biology

    no worries glad to help you guys out :)
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    Physics time dilation question, need help!

    question a is just stupid because you have to figure out the time taken first - yea these questions are a pain but they're either done with Lo or Lv as the subject and you can figure out which one you need based on the question so its easy to get them right. you'll probably get one in the HSC as...
  15. J

    Physics time dilation question, need help!

    right first question is asking for time lol. so you need to figure out the time it would take from a stationary observer (astronaut) view to get there. Tv = 4.2/6 = 7 v = .6 To = ? so you get To = 5.6 2nd part you know Lo = 4.2 and v = .6 so Lv = 3.36 question confused me a ton :/ but the...
  16. J

    Physics time dilation question, need help!

    you know what Lv is (4.2 light years) as that's what a stationary observer not under the effects of length contraction observes. so you need to find Lo (point of view of astronaut) so 4.2 = Lo * square root 1-.6^2 rearrange that to get Lo by itself and you'll get the answer.
  17. J

    FREE HSC BIOLOGY DOT POINT SUMMARIES - MAB, BOL, S4BH and GTCB the notes are in my dropbox along with my other notes for bio/physics/pd :)
  18. J

    Physics time dilation question, need help!

    To is from the point of view of the astronauts as they are stationary in relation to the space ship Tv would be from an observer outside the space ship as they are moving relative to the ship
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    PD Notes with Improving Performance and Sports Medicine

    no worries happy to help :) if you've got any questions just pm me. i should reply within a day or so
  20. J

    A new perspective on the atar?

    its a hypothetical, stop hating so much its not like OP can actually buy his ATAR... realistically i'd say .95 is worth $100,000 - its a big investment and has the potential to pay off 80 - $2500 (those who have a low cut off would surely pay this much to skip a year) 55 - you couldn't pay me to...