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  1. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    You could go onto WOW People, sign in and click Benefits, then WOW People Discount Card, then scroll down to the section with a bunch of links, should be an option to get a Replacement form. Probably easier to just call the hotline
  2. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that it doesn't save the profile used. Everytime I get on from home, I need to go back into my account list, find my Woolies email, and then allow everything again after signing in.
  3. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Maybe you're right and they're just prioritising, but there are circumstances where a male supervisor could be more handy than a female. Think a violent customer, a tall bloke is gonna have a much higher chance of keeping the customer at bay while security arrives than a smaller lady might. I...
  4. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    I think the idea of the CSM is that it looks disciminatory for them to have primarily female service supervisors, so if a good, male worker wants to be a supervisor, it'll be an instant yes, rather than "we'll see if we can fit it in the budget". I doubt they're actively asking all the blokes...
  5. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    That the new Produce drilldown screens? It took the front end folk a little while to get used to, but from what I can tell it looks a lot faster, and cleaner. I can fit way more onto the Popular screen now, and things like Lady Finger or Red Tipped Bananas don't get scanned through as Cavendish...
  6. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Just wondering, I work in produce, what aside from an RSA would be required to transfer to BWS if need be? I'm moving to Perth in a year's time, and the plan is to transfer anywhere in the area I'm moving to, assuming I'm still with Woolies. I have my RSA, but do I need anything else to...
  7. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    So this Saturday we had both our kids missing from taking the day off. So we had to run Produce with myself filling the entire store, my boss on watermelon all day and our other full timer doing fresh cuts for like 6 hours. I was so tired from filling like crazy, and we only just got the load...
  8. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Oh man I'm not looking forward to Wednesday. Have you guys heard about the new changes to Rewards? I haven't been told yet, instead had to peruse through the AllYours etc sites to find any info on what's coming. All we've even had is an A4 in our break room saying "Something big is coming...
  9. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Argh I'm gonna kill him! He was fucking around with me, we actually got 5! Worked and packed away by the time I left at 7:30. We get our loads in at 12, get it down to our area at around 3 or 4 usually, and packed away by like 2 the next day, rinse and repeat. About 8 hours ahead of schdule now...
  10. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Just received word that the produce department I work part time in received 52 pallets today. 52. Max SATURDAY load we've gotten since I've been there (february) is 24 pallets. Normal tuesday load is around 9 or 10 pallets. This is going to be some fun.
  11. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    My manager in Produce lets me go whenever. On Saturdays they give us a time frame because otherwise there are problems with people wanting to go all at once, but during the week, we can go whenever. Same with Teas. And even if I'm told to go to break, I don't mind because there is never a time...
  12. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    What do the Stars mean? We often have stuff like "(Produce Manager), Service 30, Star 41" called, or "(Night Fill member) Service 30, Star 11" called. What do they all mean?
  13. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Well we've got in our 7 full timers, one knocks off at 2 every day starting at 9 IIRC, doesn't come in Saturdays. One knocks off at 3 everyday starting at 6 or 7, same situation. Another knocks off at 5 or 6 depending on the day, again no Saturday. Manager rotates his 8-6 shift with 2IC's 6-4...
  14. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    I would certainly believe it. We've only hired 4 casuals including myself, and 7 I think full timers in my store's Produce section. I'm the only guy out of them all who can work Monday nights to 7:30, everyone else is gone by 6. I've picked up the flu atm, so now my Manager has to work a 11.5 or...
  15. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Can someone tell me what C&P LOC means? It's part of my paycheck and is around $2 each pay and untaxed (even though I won't pay tax at all)
  16. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Then have you bought something from the checkout and grabbed your receipt and noticed it then. It's annoying. btw my title is Service Cashier ;)
  17. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Is anyone else getting tired of the receipt machines taking forever to print out recently? They seem to get stuck on the fuel saving 14c part, and it gets annoying waiting 2 or 3 seconds in the middle of a receipt print for it to finish, especially when working Express.
  18. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    New hire at Woolworths and yeah, registers can be slow. We didn't do anything for the 90th Anno either.