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  1. D

    How recent is RECENT in an essay question?

    so what I have gathered: 1) recent years( economic activity) = 2000 - 2008 (pre gfc) + 2008/09( GFC) + 2010+ ( post gfc) 2) recent stats = 3-4 years unless some major change such as during inflationary targeting 3) policy in recent years = some mention of 8os, 90s and mostly on 2000+
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    Economics HSC marathon

    awkward my school is going topic 3,4,1,2...
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    How recent is RECENT in an essay question?

    How recent is RECENT in an essay question?
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    Cadetships 2013 thread

    I want to do economics in university, is there any cadetship in particular that you would recommend?
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    Economic growth essay HELP

    ahk ty
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    Economic growth essay HELP

    Econonomic growth is caused by aggregate demand and aggregate supply, yes. Aggregate demand: total demand for goods and services ( C+I+g +(X-m) MY problem is with aggregate supply, the textbook has 3 'definitions' for it: 1) maximimum output capacity for and economy 2) The ottal...
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    Insanly bad at analysing the essay question :( - HELP please

    The question up there is the new one I just got in class, its not the same one from the exam. I've gone through and found what i did wrong in the exam one already.
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    Insanly bad at analysing the essay question :( - HELP please

    Hey everyone. I got my preliminary exam back and its fine exept for the essays. I keep going off topic, its a recurring problem. I was wondering if you could help me with my first year 12 essay structure. THe quesiton is: "Explain the causes and impacts of economic growth. Analyse the...
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    HSC - essay writing help

    for the HSC exam which is 3 hours?? + short answer + mupltiple choice
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    HSC - essay writing help

    thanks enoilgam :)
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    HSC - essay writing help

    15 pages...?
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    HSC - essay writing help

    Hey everyone, I'm going into year 12 now and i have some questiosn about essays 1) I can only get 16 - 18 out of 20 , Every time I cant seem to get those 2 more marks, how can I improve this. - I do put statistics in - and 2 graphs as recommended
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    BEST study TEXTBOOKS for PHYSiCS/CHEM- HSC?????????????

    haha yeah 99.95 lol. I got dot points for physics but ended up getting Excel study guide for chem, so far its pretty good
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    How are we fortescue? haha

    I feel the exactly the same, adding to that, iron ore price have fallen 35% since April and turns out the Chinese government has been artificially creating demand for steel. Now they have a 50+million tonne surplus of it. Not much Australia is going to be needed for. Therese even news that...
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    Fortescue going down?

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    How are we fortescue? haha

    Whats up everyone. Whats everyone's take on current economics? Europe, mining boom, Chinese politics etc
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    Year 12 of 2012 Recommendations on what PHYSICS+ CHEM studytexts to use/ not to use??

    Re: Year 12 of 2012 Recommendations on what PHYSICS+ CHEM studytexts to use/ not to u Thanks, did you use both excels, the success one and study guide?
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    Year 12 of 2012 Recommendations on what PHYSICS+ CHEM studytexts to use/ not to use??

    Hey guys I'm just wondering what your opinions are on textbooks. Which ones are usefull which ones were jsut a waste of money? All advice would be appreciated.
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    Yearly prelim. exam

    yeah, I think I went relatively well, I screwed up a railroad diagram though. Had to draw a sad train on it :/