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  1. T

    Law at Macquarie?

    When you look at the partner directory, it gives you a list of universities and whether their course is taught in English or another language. Most of them are in English, even in countries where English isn't the main language. If the course isn't in English, they will specify and I'm assuming...
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    General thoughts: English Advanced Modules Paper 2

    Remember the marker will try their best to award marks wherever possible. And I don't think English marking is all that harsh. I rushed through paper 2, having to cut down on my Mod C essay significantly in order to finish. Still got a B6. So all you can do now is forget about it bc its over...
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    13 Units?

    I did 14 and got either 1st or 2nd in all my units... In hindsight, it isn't about how many units you do, but how many you can handle comfortably and how many you think you need to get the atar you want. And don't drop something you enjoy, those are the subjects that are going to make studying...
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    Whats your weaPEN of choice?

    Kilometrico ftw... But it did get painful during Paper 2
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    So what happens after trials?

    I did nothing post trials until after graduation :spin:
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    studies of religion study advice?

    My advice is to always keep on top of stuff. I mean at the end of each topic make sure you have a list of quotes to use in essays, memorised stats, done practices, etc. That's bc if you leave that till the weeks before the exam you'll find yourself not being able to remember it all But in...
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    all school duxs have a guarenteed position in sydney uni

    Wot D: Why did this not exist last year? Could've gone there instead of macq :/
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    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    That is the weirdest analogy I've heard :O But it kinda makes sense, you can't make notes for maths, you just need to practice your butt off. In saying that it won't hurt to have a formula sheet with everything you need to remember and maybe a couple of worked examples for the stuff you find...
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    Where is the school dux now?

    My school dux is doing law/Science at macq.... After not getting into unsw Tbh dux means nothing after graduation and I don't get the big deal about it :/
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    Your subject regrets

    Regret not dropping a subject in year 12 :/ probs could've done a lot better if I didn't have so many units If I could go back I'd probably drop either bio or physics, seiously those subjects killed me. Every. Fucking. Class... Which is very ironic since I'm doing a science degree now...
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    Should I drop Bio???

    Not sure if serious....
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    How does one break the ATAR system?

    Basically you need to screw up all your exams and then they give you a mystery mark for realising that HSC is just a waste of time. Then you sit back and watch the uni offers roll in as they all want the mystery mark kid
  13. T

    Is law really the death sentence that everyone makes it out to be?

    ...macquarie isn't that bad ... Is it?
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    sleep: how much of it

    Lol I remember most of year 12 was something like: School days: 3am-6am Weekends: 1am-10am HSC: 4am-6am Holidays: 1am-1pm By now you should've figured out how many hours you need and after which point you turn into a zombie and can't function.
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    How difficult is MATH132? I did 4u maths in year 12 but didn't do too well (1 mark off an e3) though that was bc I was pretty much without a teacher and self taught in that subject. I got a high e3 (2 marks off an e4) in 3u though. Would I be able to cope with MATH132, or should I do...
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    MQ Roll Call 2015

    I could swear I already answered this :confused: maybe uni has done my head in before I've even started.... But it's in three months, so I guess I save money and all but it still sucks
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    MQ Chatter Thread

    I'm in on those days as well! I'm cool for whatever :)
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    Is law really the death sentence that everyone makes it out to be?

    Well that instils so much confidence :O
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    MQ Chatter Thread

    Hahahaha well that plan is a bust then :/ But if you wanted to do a MQ meet I'd be game :tongue:
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    MQ Roll Call 2015

    Yeah that's the one Yup, the sad life of an underage student at uni