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  1. T

    Post Trials estimate please?

    Lol not even in the same league as those guys!!
  2. T

    Post Trials estimate please?

    Yeah I think so too :) but the competition would've been nice
  3. T

    Post Trials estimate please?

    It's our brother school, I could've gone into their class like most students did in previous years and I would've been enrolled in that school as well as mine... idk it was weird. But I had a clash on my timetable so decided against it
  4. T

    Post Trials estimate please?

    Thanks!! :) that's what I'm aiming for
  5. T

    Post Trials estimate please?

    Ahahaha I had the option of doing it myself or joining the class in the closest high school... Chose the former option lol
  6. T

    Post Trials estimate please?

    School rank: 240 Subject: Trial Mark [Rank] English Adv.: 89/105 [3/47] SORII: 96/100 [1/11] Legal Studies: 98/100 [1/13] Maths ext. 1: 49/70 [2/5] Maths ext. 2: 49/100 [1/1] Biology: 60/100 [2/36] Physics: 80/100 [2/13]
  7. T

    Trials results?

    Lol yeah seems to be a popular subject this year o.O my school doesn't even offer it... :(
  8. T

    Need help ~

    Well if you have no idea, then do something broad, like B Science or something... Or maybe a double degree. That way you'll have scope to move into something more specific once you know what you're interested in. I know, not really advice... But hope that helped a little
  9. T

    Trials results?

    Everyone is doing so well.... Deflated any chance of me doing well lol
  10. T

    Trials results?

    Damn those marks :O good job!
  11. T

    Breaking point.

    I think we've all reached that point...
  12. T

    Trials results?

    Yeah, all the maths exams were hard, so a 70 is really good!! The average at my school was in the 40s...
  13. T

    Post trials ATAR estimate pleeeeaaaaasseeeeeee?

    This isn't for me, it's for a friend.... School rank: 240 Rank (trials mark) English Adv. : 4/50 (86/105) Legal: 2/13 (90/100) Economics: 1/5 (83/100) Mathematics: 2/32 (84/100) 3U: 3/5 (32/50) Chemistry: 3/24 (70/100) SOR1: 1/81 (45/50)
  14. T

    How my internal marks are calculated??

    Ohhhhhk that makes sense :) thanks!
  15. T

    How my internal marks are calculated??

    So I get that your marks go to the Board of Studies, along with your rank in your cohort. And when you sit the HSC, 50% is your exam mark and 50% is based on your rank and how the rest of your cohort did and all that... But in my MX2 class, I'm the only person in the cohort, which makes my...
  16. T

    Trials results?

    Lol I like this idea
  17. T

    Trials results?

    Wow congrats!! Those are pretty good :)
  18. T

    Trials results?

    Update: got 61% in bio.... Can I just give up now?