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  1. S

    Basic Maths Skills Test

    LOL aright, im pretty sure you have to wait till next year, or oct this year, who ever says you can do it next semester give me a link. unreliable taking advice from other members unless they got a link
  2. S

    Basic Maths Skills Test

    bump been trying to find this, can you please tell me where you read this from?
  3. S

    Basic Maths Skills Test

    anyone got a link to confirm this?? been searching for it
  4. S

    Basic Maths Skills Test

    its on vuws, play around with mysr will help you understand it better, well for me it did, still cant fine where it says you can re-do the test in semester 2 after june??? anyhelp
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    Enrolment for Business and Commerce

    lol you gotta love untrained uws helpline, answer is yes you can BUT it is advised you follow the structure, coz some units may follow the other
  6. S

    Basic Maths Skills Test

    nah man i dont think you can already checked up, btw where did you read up on it??? wouldn't mine challenging uws advisers
  7. S

    Withdraw From uws

    wow thanks been trying to look for it
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    Withdraw From uws

    lol, mainly cos of work, but there a sense of no knowlege from staff
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    Withdraw From uws

    Hey guys im contemplating on withdrawing my enrollment with uws, due to work reasons. can anyone here help me in doing this? also will i be left with any outstanding debt from withdrawing?
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    BBC Students 200336 clash 200525

    lol, have you reccently sent an email the the head of program of marketing? and received and email back? been waiting for a response still no reply
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    BBC Students 200336 clash 200525

    poe, its mixed up as im getting credit for the course, also failed the maths test, :vcross:
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    BBC Students 200336 clash 200525

    arite kool, hey just curious are you doing marketing as your key program? if so what unit did u take to replace business stats or eco methods? remembered before you said you gonna take test next semester
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    BBC Students 200336 clash 200525

    cheers! so do you know when principle of economics start? it says week 2 at the top but when you scroll down its still says 10-16?
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    BBC Students 200336 clash 200525

    when its has **for course codes 2741, doesnt it mean for the available times below it aswell, not just the one beside it? btw parra campus
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    BBC Students 200336 clash 200525

    lect principle of economics 9-11 tues Only WS BAS: Tues Only, 9-10 or 10-11 keep in mind other times are for 2741 what did u pick?
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    BBC Students 200336 clash 200525

    a clash with business academic skills and principle of economics anyone know what to do?
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    Princple of Economics help

    hey guys im on platform-web of unit 200525 its says that tutorials start in week 2, but when you scroll down to the timetable its still says 10-15 opposed to 11-16 does anybody know the correct date? also it clashes with business academic skill what do i do?
  18. S

    The Basic Mathematics Skills Test

    got answers to the test lol
  19. S

    Parramatta Campus Parking

    hmm i usually park in p2 which is next to the tennis courts, which parking lot in the uni has cctv/camera?
  20. S

    The Basic Mathematics Skills Test

    i think they have to confirm it by sending you an email