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  1. AB940

    Cramming success stories?

    In grade 11 science, I was the worst student you could imagine. I didn't do any work, didn't study for the tests, didn't listen in class, never read notes or anything. As you could imagine, my grades were pretty poor, and I was failing a lot of the class tests. So for the end of the year...
  2. AB940

    When/how do I accept my deferred offer for next year? Have a look at this. I am planning on doing the same thing except with a course at USyd, and I guess we just accept when the offers come out. Although, since you're going to UNSW by the looks of it you apply directly to them.
  3. AB940

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    I think this is also true and I would be wary about putting too much stock in anything the owner of Med Entry says, when they are essentially an organisation that relies on peoples' uncertainty about the UMAT.
  4. AB940

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    I am pretty sure I remember reading in the ACER booklet that they don't deduct marks for wrong answers. By the sounds of it their marking system is quite complex anyway and all kept pretty quiet. Whatever it is I don't think it will disproportionately affect anybody in particular; I reckon...
  5. AB940

    VTAC application and previous study question

    Thanks for the advice, that's what I thought too. I'm looking at applying for a course that doesn't allow any previous study and I asked Monash (and another uni) directly about it. So I'm guessing it's OK.
  6. AB940

    VTAC application and previous study question

    Hi, I'm currently applying through VTAC as a gap-year applicant who withdrew from a university course before the census date, and I'm wondering whether or not I have technically done previous tertiary study? One of the options they give for 'status of course' is 'Deferred/Withdrew without...
  7. AB940

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    No I'm pretty sure they don't negative mark. They don't reveal anything about their marking process but from what others have said I think some questions are weighted more heavily depending on how many people got them right or wrong, ie if a lot of people got it right they deem the question...
  8. AB940

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    That's so good haha I'm so relieved! Yeah I know I didn't get how two positives could give a net charge of zero, but in hindsight they probably meant a net charge difference, woops. Guess it doesn't matter though!
  9. AB940

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    Was that a non-marked question? Thank goodness because I did not understand that one at all and completely guessed the answer!
  10. AB940

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    Haha I think it's safe to say I definitely got all the questions relating to that passage wrong. I sort of speed-read it. Yeah I HATE those 'predict the most likely outcome' questions. My whole mindset before doing the test was 'whatever you do, don't make any huge extrapolations' so I was a...
  11. AB940

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    I didn't even pick up on that; just thought they were really self-conscious and trying to make an impression. Oh god I'm an idiot hahahaha. I was sort of pressed for time towards this point so I didn't read it carefully enough. The whole of S2 felt very ambiguous though.
  12. AB940

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    Oh my god WHAT. In my head the narrator was a 20 something year old woman. Hahaha fuck, I think it's safe to say that I completely bombed on S2.
  13. AB940

    Regrets of Picking Certain Subjects

    I didn't do the HSC (I'm from interstate) but I regret picking the easiest maths option rather than the one that's a pre requisite for a lot of courses, I regret NOT doing physics/biology, and I sort of regret drama because I was fucking terrible at it haha. Oh well, live and learn I suppose.
  14. AB940

    How much would I struggle with a B Science (Advanced) if I only did general maths?

    Re: How much would I struggle with a B Science (Advanced) if I only did general maths *thanks
  15. AB940

    How much would I struggle with a B Science (Advanced) if I only did general maths?

    Re: How much would I struggle with a B Science (Advanced) if I only did general maths hanks so much guys, I really appreciate your help. I am from Tasmania and the course I did is called Mathematics Applied, which is exactly what it sounds like. We touched on differentiation; we spoke about...
  16. AB940

    How much would I struggle with a B Science (Advanced) if I only did general maths?

    Re: How much would I struggle with a B Science (Advanced) if I only did general maths Thanks for your advice everyone! Out of interest do you all do the course? What do you think of it? That's good to know about all the tutors, and the bridging courses. It sounds like a great course to study.
  17. AB940

    How much would I struggle with a B Science (Advanced) if I only did general maths?

    Hi :) I am seriously considering doing this course next year but one of the things that worries me is the mathematics component: I did what is the equivalent to general mathematics (I'm from interstate). It's not that I really hate maths and wouldn't be willing to give it a go or anything; I'm...
  18. AB940

    So stuck about what to do this year :/

    Thanks heaps for the advice, it really helped to put things into perspective! In the end I did decide to have a year off, which isn't great in the short term but I have more time to think about it now. I often doubt my own decisions (not just with this but everything else) so you're right in...
  19. AB940

    Ways to get into vet science that don't involve an atar?

    Hi :) I'd apply for the undergraduate courses anyway - just see how you go. If that doesn't work out then transferring is another way. Or you could always complete your undergraduate degree and apply for a graduate school. I know Melbourne offers this and I think there'd probably be others...
  20. AB940

    Is the medentry distance package helpful on its own?

    I am currently on a gap year and thinking of applying for medicine next year. With the practise UMAT exams I go OK-ish on section 2, probably below-average on section 1 and absolutely terribly at section 3. I've left it too late to do the Med Entry workshop but would the distance package alone...