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  1. W

    How much will it effect things?

    So, I had an absolute blow out in the recent Bio test getting 27/50 or 54%. It was worth 15% of the year. The average was 24. How badly does something like this effect your ATAR or mark for that subject and can you redeem yourself ??? In the last bio test I got 24/29 or 83%. That was also...
  2. W

    Choosing Physics or Biology?

    Couldn't agree more with this ^^ In my opinion Biology if your also taking Chemistry. It kinda links with chem in terms of some of the things you learn. Yes, biology has a lot of memorising but it pays off if you find it interesting. Though in Yr 11 I found biology to be quite boring but now...
  3. W

    Excel vs Top Notes

    In my opinion I don't agree with Excel being bad for all subjects.. It's great for Sciences like Bio.
  4. W

    Excel vs Top Notes

    I don't know about Top Notes but I heard Excel Advanced English is not very good.
  5. W

    How much water is too much?

    Likewise! I guess it depends on how many times you go to the bathroom each day.. Weird question but what colour is your urine when you do go to the toilet?
  6. W

    Having panic attacks due to chemistry Prac

    You'll be ok mate! Just take it easy during the experiment and don't rush. Just a tip to make sure you put on the safety glasses and don't take them off til your done.. If it helps I sucked at Chem Prac's but I made sure I familiarized myself with the experiment being tested and ended up...
  7. W

    Biology practical assessment task! Mab

    I was tested on the Carbon Dioxide pH experiment where you blow into a straw and into the water with uni indicator, Drawing Xylem and Phloem and Estimating the size of a pollen grain using the microscope and calculating. They love to give you Xylem and Phloem to draw at longitudinal sections and...
  8. W

    What are your thoughts on Excel HSC Study Guides

    Thanks for the replys. Decided I will try to find the Chem and Bio Excel HSC ones off the buy and sell section.
  9. W

    What are your thoughts on Excel HSC Study Guides

    Thanks for the reply brent. Hopefully I can get a better deal off the buy/sell section since $40 a book is quite expensive!
  10. W

    What are your thoughts on Excel HSC Study Guides

    My school is currently selling Excel HSC Study Guides and I am thinking of buying the HSC Biology and Chemistry ones. If anyone knows how good or bad they are please share your comments here! Thanks :)
  11. W

    My School doesn't do half yearlies, how worried should I be?

    What the...? I don't know any school that doesn't have Half Yearly Exams. How would it adequately prepare people at your school for trials/yearlys if your not having exams! You need to learn from mistakes from Exams NOW rather then later so I don't understand why your school would do this. And...
  12. W

    Are you allowed to redo an assessment under exam conditions if caught plagiarising?

    Re: Are you allowed to redo an assessment under exam conditions if caught plagiarisin You will probably need to do the exam again to redeem the N Award if that's the case but you will still get 0 either way.
  13. W

    Is there some sort of a guideline?

    Ok, I might do that with some people in the class who share the same view. I wouldn't escalate it but it's HSC now and every mark counts! Thanks for the reply OzKo
  14. W

    Is there some sort of a guideline?

    Hello, Yesterday I had my 2nd English Assessment which was not very good at all. There was not a countdown timer in the room nor did the teacher tell us how much time we had left and the only way to tell was to ask her in the middle of our class exam. I ended up not completing a conclusion or...
  15. W

    Ranks for 90+

    Just another thread on what ranks are needed to attain a 90+ ATAR at a 260-270 school. Really good cohort at the moment with a lot of smart people! I suck at English so I don't expect a "great" rank. English Advanced /50ish Advanced Maths /40ish Food Technology /9 Chemistry /10...
  16. W

    School assessments being too easy?

    I think that is correct. " the assessment marks for each course in each school are moderated according to the examination performance of the group of students in the school. The moderation process adjusts the assessments submitted by the school so that the mean (or average) of the group’s...