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    Who's pumped?

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    Multipler Effect

    I was more talking about a short answer.
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    Multipler Effect

    Oh, yeah that rings bells haha , thanks!
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    Multipler Effect

    How does the multiplier effect increase nation income? or affect other aspects in general.
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    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    They specified At Mornington.........What a flipping joke.
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    How many pages did you write for each section?

    Comprehension : 4 Creative Writing : 6 Belonging Essay : 6
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    Is this plagiarism?

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    Multiple choice

    Isn't it Y=C+S+T?
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    Multiple choice Page 6, question 12. Sorry I don't know how to post the exact question lol
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    Multiple choice

    Does anyone know how to do question 12 2010 HSC paper q12 is a calculation question
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    Economics vs english game plan

    I finished English 2 weeks ago so I could spent this entire time on Eco, and start learning essays Saturday.
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    Shtting myself for economics!!

    I think CAD, Enviornment and Globalisation will come up. What's a typical CAD/external stability quesiton though? causes and consequences of CAD is easy
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    When you guys are practising essays are you using notes to assist you or already just answering the question from scratch?
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    Is 850 words each english advance essay enough for me to get full marks?

    I've been told that, if you have an amazing essay...if should get extra marks for making it more concise than the 1000+ word essays.
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    In the event of a tie

    What happens to the internal assessment mark when two people are tied during the HSC. For instance, if there are two first places: Student 1 :98 Student 2 :91 Are the marks added together and divided for the internal assessment mark or does the higher mark out of the two become the assesment...
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    Social benefits of inequality?

    Social benefits are that it encourages productivity of workers because if they work harder and longer they will earn more money, and because they are already not earning much, the extra money is a large incentive for productivity. Not too sure if that's a good example but something like that.
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    Subject Scaling

    You'll be fine (with Advanced), they are just a little easier than some of the high scaling subjects, but that will only help you do better in them which pretty much evens out the scaling anyway
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    What day do you go All Out English?

    I'm starting on Friday and learning my Module essays, then on Saturday and Sunday learning my belonging story and belonging essay, then Monday arvo and all day Tuesday I go back to remembering my module essays.
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    UNSW Scholarships

    They have already extended it to tonight from Friday, so I don't think they'll extend it again :s But they may if the server is playing up.