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  1. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    A! :)
  2. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    just to revise :) I'm currently going through examples and reading keypoints summaries because i've done every topic test, and unit tests in my book several times this year :)
  3. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    I hate that! the HSC will be definitely worded!
  4. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    what are all preliminary topics that mostly come in the exam? oh sweet! nearly finished?
  5. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    the time difference is that hard its just knowing that east is in front of west :) As, 1 degree = to 4 mins, therefore, 15 degrees = 60 mins (1 hour) :D
  6. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    oh sweet haha :) My book has normal examples then the challenge section :L But good luck with it and do you know all of preliminary?
  7. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    my weaknesses are to be linear and non-linear relationships, annuities and correlation abit :(
  8. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    I'm using the HSC General Mathematics 2013 Excel Book :D Pretty good :) how are you gonna cover all the content in your book just reading over examples? :)
  9. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    Hahahah! :lol:
  10. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    I suggest to look through examples and understand the concept of the question :)
  11. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    Probability isn't that hard. Just need to understand and practice questions :)
  12. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    Pretty good, how did you score in each paper... bad or good? :) I'm trying to revise all content for year and 12 understand fully then i'll the past papers with you :D
  13. DJ696

    General Thoughts: English Standard Paper 2

    Hopefully score band 5 and if I'm lucky to squeeze into band 6! Be the happiest person on earth :)
  14. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    How's everyone's progression going for maths? :)
  15. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    haha! harder stuff on general maths :L
  16. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    wrong thread...
  17. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    Couldn't have said it any better :)
  18. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    just one question at a time haha :D
  19. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    Challenging ones! Like trigonometry ones, annuities, modelling linear and non-linear relationships :)
  20. DJ696

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    Yes please :) keep this thread going :D