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  1. A

    Cadetships 2017

    I honestly have no clue, I thought they'd send them through , if not I'll probs ring hr
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    Cadetships 2017

    EY for sure hahahah, hopefully we're in the same team :D
  3. A

    Cadetships 2017

    Yay just got call from EY manager, and got an offer xD took a while cause he had to get partner approval this morning
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    Cadetships 2017

    Well done mate, congrats, haven't heard anything yet
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    Cadetships 2017

    went pretty good tbh, thanks for asking. Although I had this one girl in my group activity just talk over everyone the whole time, way too confident, definitely don't want to work with her. Interview was fine, very casual, he even tested out my chinese speaking skills :D hope to hear from them...
  6. A

    Cadetships 2017

    must be all the audit ppl, i applied for assurance aswell, what will you be wearing? ill look for you!
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    Cadetships 2017

    lol wtf auto AC invite, no call, no nothing did i do really well in the tests or something? my ac is tomorrow from 8:45 - 12:30, pretty nervous :/
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    Cadetships 2017

    wtf why didn't i get a phone call
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    3U Language

    extension languages are typically easier than the 2u equivalent, im speaking from experience - Chinese extension, and I've heard the same from most other languages. It's not like maths where 4u is significantly harder. The extension courses are in a whole way different, more cultural rather than...
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    Cadetships 2017

    havent heard anything, did you?
  11. A

    Cadetships 2017

    if you haven't recieved a formal rejection yet, then they probably haven't been through your application yet. They're currently sifting through so don't worry, first AC is on thursday so there's still a while to go.
  12. A

    UNSW or USYD commerece?

    unsw business school> usyd business school (although in reality, employers treat them all the same)
  13. A

    Cadetships 2017

    pretty basic, they go through your cv, a few behavioural questions, then they talk a bit about the firm and let you ask questions back, why you want to work there, etc. all the basic ones
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    Cadetships 2017

    last thursday
  15. A

    Cadetships 2017

    so am i meeting anyone on thurs or are they still calling?
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    Wealth Management ---> IB/MC/TAS

    If I'm hearing this right you're saying a dude with straight comm, a few ecs and retail work experience should have no problems getting hired at maccap, credit Suisse, Goldman, UBS or other IBs?
  17. A

    Wealth Management ---> IB/MC/TAS

    May I ask what firm you're at? And any internships you've attained? In pm if you don't want to share please
  18. A

    Wealth Management ---> IB/MC/TAS

    If you had a straight commerce degree, you'd probably have to have HD's combined with honours to even get an interview. Nearly every person I know who works in IB has comm/law degrees at usyd/unsw.
  19. A

    Wealth Management ---> IB/MC/TAS

    and in regards to management consulting, i don't think nearly anything you study at uni would relate to management consulting, so basically i thought you'd just need to have evidence of analytical/problem solving skills. As stated on boston consulting's website "we take anyone from any degree"
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    Wealth Management ---> IB/MC/TAS

    it's sort of in the same way IB is usually comm/law, I don't think any people in IB would use what they studied in law in their daily job. I've even seen a few chemical engineering/comm guys in IB. I don't think it's the relation more of the skills you develop ie analytical thinking skills. With...