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  1. s-p-a-c-e-d

    What do you spend your cash on?

    i should really keep track of this if i ever actually move out, which could be a reality soon depending on how things pan out with this new boy... i get like $400/week probably on average: ~$20/week - train/bus tix ~$48/week - Timezone ~$49/month - phone ~$30-40/week - cigs (50g +...
  2. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Best part of your relationship

    would never miss a good weeding.
  3. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Band shirts

    my name is cam no srsly, it's cameron, but yeh.
  4. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Band shirts

    i am wearing it right now actually :/
  5. s-p-a-c-e-d

    your current favourite song

    DJ TECHNORCH - Shranz X GC-oojM3FS0 electronic music has not kicked my ass like this in a long while.
  6. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Band shirts

    got a fair few, get one at pretty much every gig i have gone to recently, haha. off the top of my head... of montreal converge ladybug transistor flaming lips pixies lightning bolt stereo total (but shit it is WAY too small so i gave it to a friend) shonen knife lost my sigur ros hoodie from...
  7. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Gift Voucher Price - $20 stingy or not stingy!

    wait what people who work are less likely to have the money to spend on presents for friends?? wtf are you talking about EDIT: oh i see the point you were trying to make. i won't edit original post coz cbf.
  8. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Your First Ever Crush - Where Are They Now?

    like, first ever. chick in year three, was my best friend until we went to different schools. uhh her mum and my mum are still like best friends, they're actually going to hawaii together at the end of the year...the chick tho, got knocked up, but still talk to her ever so occasionally, she's p...
  9. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Janelle Monae - The ArchAndroid

    if she doesn't something is wrong with the world.
  10. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    uhh i knew boris were touring but fucking melt-banana are also touring, like holy shit. why do they have to play at the opera house?! i don't want to see them fucking sitting...
  11. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Do you consider...

    lol, no.
  12. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Janelle Monae - The ArchAndroid

    making a topic about this album because it's damn amazing. especially the transition from dance or die > faster > locked inside, and the last song is pretty woah also.
  13. s-p-a-c-e-d

    your current favourite song

    look ok, mohammad would totally be down with the r kelz
  14. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Wish List Thread

    i want a colour-in anything!
  15. s-p-a-c-e-d

    My learners license expired can I still use it as ID to get into bars?

    uhh what do credit cards have to do with an expired learners? invalid id is invalid...however, here are some things i've done with my expired learners license: got into pretty much any bar/club although the bouncer at civic did infact point out it had expired and told me i should get another...
  16. s-p-a-c-e-d

    your current favourite song

    + w4BXia4mNcs
  17. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Best Music in A Videogame

    try harder
  18. s-p-a-c-e-d

    your current favourite song

    hey dude is that you in your profile picture? coz if so, you are fucking burzum.
  19. s-p-a-c-e-d

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    that dangers album was pretty godly. would be up for dis