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  1. noctua

    Atar Estimate Please

    Dw your ranks seem really good and I could say that you would get around 99.3
  2. noctua

    ATAR estimates please guys

    School rank: Around 40 English Adv: 61/154 Maths Ext 1: 32/79 Maths Ext 2: 20/28 Biology: 2/46 Physics: 9/54 Thanks a lot guys :)
  3. noctua

    Atar Estimate Plz

    What did you get for umat? and AtAR estimate of 98
  4. noctua

    Atar estimate

    yeah around 75s
  5. noctua

    ATAR Estimate ADRITA Please! I Worship You

    around 84, and the chance of getting above 80 is completely dependent on your external performance now. It would be possible with similar performance in your trials in externals.
  6. noctua

    ATAR Estimate

    84, probs can push it up with externals