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  1. D

    James Ruse entry application and interview tips and questions

    Yeh I didn't get in. I don't care anyway :cool: . But next year, if I do like I did the girra test this year, i'll probs get in. Even SBHS is likely since my friend got in and I usually get same report as him and I do similar extracurricular activity. Can you reccomend a third place for next year?
  2. D

    James Ruse entry application and interview tips and questions

    My I just ask a few questions. What extracurricular activities (at school like choir and outside like sport) did you do? What maths or english competitions did you do? What did you get in both reports you showed?
  3. D

    ATAR Estimate

    Sadly, the reality is spoken here.
  4. D

    Here are my bad ranks, pls offer helpful success stories

    With your marks you're currently looking at mid 40s ... yikes 😬
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    What ATAR can I achieve??? 😳

    Mid 60s.
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    What course in which uni do most Ruse graduates go to?

    I know that some Ruse students do medicine but are they the majority? I notice most Ruse graduates do medicine at UNSW. But why medicine? Why UNSW? Isn't USYD ranked higher in medicine? I'm gathering current and ex Ruse students and what they're interested in/doing right now.
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    Ipad Pro or Macbook Pro

    Have you looked at the Macbook Air?
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    ATAR estimate

    Low 90s and with a UCAT score like that, unfortunately it looks like your chances are under slim, but not impossible.
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    ATAR estimation for a troubled lad

    School rank doesn't matter in ATAR.
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    Low 80s but if you improve your english mark to at least 70+, you'll definitely get 90+
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    year 8-10 entrance to Fort Street High school

    Damn I need to check my mail. Still haven't received it. Might come tomorrow if it's not there today.
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    ATAR Estimate?

    Nope. You?
  13. D

    Do you think it's possible to get a 95 ATAR?

    Don't drop maths advanced and pick up general. Most 95+ UNI courses expect you to do extension 1 (advanced is still alright but general is definitely not). If you work hard, I'm sure you can do it. Do the same with english and you're looking at 95+ !
  14. D

    ATAR Estimate?

    Low 90s. But if you study harder in maths, you'll definitely get over 95.
  15. D

    ATAR Estimate Please

    Mid 80s
  16. D

    Post Trial ATAR Estimate

    Right now it looks like mid 90s. I'm sure if you do maths better you can get high 90s. But aiming for a course requiring 99 or over will be hard since you chose two unit in maths but definitely not impossible.
  17. D

    what are my chances?

    Extremely high. I'm pretty sure they create a new class for year 11 and getting even 15th reserve will get you in. You're safe.