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  1. S


    Hold on, related text for Mod A? You don't need one. Unless I have been wrong the whole year? Haha.
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    USYD Economics vs UNSW Economics

    So there's no impact on vocational prospects? There's no difference once you're done? It won't be looked down upon?
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    USYD Economics vs UNSW Economics

    So it doesn't matter that USYD it's under an Arts + Social Sciences degree?
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    USYD Economics vs UNSW Economics

    Basically, which is better?Also at USYD it's under Arts + Social Sciences, at UNSW it's under Business... does that make any difference to anything? Vocational prospects? General degree things? Etc etc
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    USYD Economics vs UNSW Economics

    Basically, which is better?Also at USYD it's under Arts + Social Sciences, at UNSW it's under Business... does that make any difference to anything? Vocational prospects? General degree things? Etc etc
  6. S

    Hard Short Answer Question - HELP

    Outline one problem associated with using a bilateral measurement of relative exchange rates?Not so much hard as it is specific, but what would you write? Correct answer? Even though it only requires you to to outline ONE, what are others?Cheers.
  7. S

    ATAR estimate please

    That's quite positive because on the trial I got 82% raw on Economics (both teachers marking are HSC markers, one is a "Judge" marker) and on English I got 89/105 (85%)... only one of the markers was a HSC marker but at worst I have a chance to get a Band 6 there.
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    ATAR estimate please

    Since no one answered my follow up question (I guess it was a hard one), I'll ask again. With the OP in mind, how would I need to do on each exam on the day to get 95 ATAR? I'm talking raw marks, literal mark on the paper. Like what would I need in English out of 105, Economics out of 100 etc...
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    In the event of a tie

    So if you're tied 3rd, or even tied 4th, 5th or whatever (not first, not last) how are the internal marks calculated?
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    ATAR estimate please

    Cheers :) Hope you're right!
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    ATAR estimate please

    Also, does anyone know approximately how I would have to do on the day to hit a 95?
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    ATAR estimate please

    Cheers for the reply. Nah I won't be Dux, no chance and yeah I'll be sending my EAS forms in soon, by the deadline of November 30 anyway (the latest you can send it in and still find out if you're eligible when the marks/ATARs come out). So approx very early 90s? And yeah obviously the...
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    ATAR estimate please

    Hi guys, Not too sure how the system works so hopefully you can help me grasp an ATAR estimate :) I had some family troubles going on during the trials so I didn't do as well as I would have liked, nor as well as I could have in most of my subjects but hopefully now I'll be able to do better...
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    Potential for Band 6 in Economics ?

    Alright cheers for the feedback guys.
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    An ATAR estimate

    Low 90s or higher 90s?
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    An ATAR estimate

    Hi there, Not very clued up on the process by which it's all determined and to be fair, I'm sure those of you who CAN explain it so I won't even bother asking you to do it for the umpteenth time, just if possible any chance of a potential ATAR estimate? I don't know what info you need but I'll...
  17. S

    Potential for Band 6 in Economics ?

    Course mark after all internal exams was about 91% I think, maybe give or take 1% either way and on the trial I got approximately 81%. School rank, I'd say is probably 150-200. Oh and my rank is 1st. What sort of external mark would I be looking to need to get to get a band 6 in Eco? If that is...
  18. S

    Correlation between course marks and your external HSC mark?

    Yeah I mean raw school marks, so your accumulated marks over the 5 internal assessment marks. Cheers for the prompt reply.