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  1. R

    Does this happen to you in lectures??

    I can safely say that at my uni the guys in commerce are hotter than comp sci =| rofl. i realize this may be an obvious thing but...i'm allowed to hope right?
  2. R

    People who ask questions in lectures are Morons

    It's a freaking pain during Java. They have a workshop on every week for stupid questions plus 3 hour labs, and an online discussion board and the same 2 or 3 people STILL keep interrupting. And yeah, the lecturer's too nice and answers it all, although at one point, he did ask if he could go on.
  3. R

    How do you pick out the First Year Students

    Rofl yep, I come early to lectures...if I don't I just skip them cause I can't be bothered looking around for a seat. I carry a freaking heavy bag for no reason cause I bought bounded lecture notes for each of my units and I carry the diary around for the map...although someone did give me the...
  4. R

    how will people react?!?

    It's not hard to talk to people in uni. It's harder to make friends, but it's easy as to meet people. Wearing a Free Hugs shirt's not going to help you much.
  5. R

    abusive relationships

    People that say that women that stay are idiots, I think don't know what they're talking about. Sure, in theory you would walk out. But I can imagine that if you're being abused, controlled, it can get to the point where you think you can't get out. Fear can be pretty powerful.
  6. R

    How old will you be when you graduate from uni?

    22 Unless I switch to a single degree or overload.
  7. R

    Rules for Customers

    Dear Customer, I don't give a crap if you're going to "take your business elsewhere". It's your fault for not listening to what I said on the phone.
  8. R

    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    I just went to the first day of O-Week. Other than the fact I completely embarrassed myself after failing at doing a sack race, it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Everyone was friendly and nice. This one girl actually came up to me and we got to know each other before it started and so...
  9. R

    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    I'm going to UWA, in Perth. I'm hoping I'll have the courage to talk hahaha and that the students doing my course are nice. xD I don't mind getting-to know-each-other games if everyone participates. It's kinda fun in a kiddie way =D I'm in 2 faculties as well so I gotta go to both welcomes @_@
  10. R

    What's wrong with being an 18 year old virgin?

    ^ Of course it's always possible. It is a big risk, that's why I view dating to be a serious thing. It's the time when you learn more about the person and whether you really want to be with them or not.
  11. R

    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    My O-Week starts with this thing called O-Quest where you get put in groups and do a quest thingy with them. You get a mentor as well. The times are separated by what course you're doing so I'm assuming that means you meet up with people doing the same course. I'm hoping this will ease me into...
  12. R

    What's wrong with being an 18 year old virgin?

    ^ Did you mean that when you choose to get married, you would have decided that you love them for who they are and so know that you're not making a rash decision? Cause then yeah, it would make sense wouldn't it?
  13. R

    What's wrong with being an 18 year old virgin?

    It does unless she's talking about getting married young cause you're immature and horny. =/
  14. R

    What's wrong with being an 18 year old virgin?

    Okay I should've worded it better. What I mean is, even by the time you're 18, you might not be able to make good decisions. Sure, it's different for each person, but the ability to make sensible, rational decisions usually takes a long time to develop. To me, yes it IS a big thing. If someone...
  15. R

    Be My Valentine.

    I doubt I'm going to have a Valentine anytime soon. And anyway, why would you spend just one day celebrating having a significant other? It'd be a lot sweeter if nice things happened for no reason. Like a lot of others have said, it's all just commercialism.
  16. R


    Yes. A lot of the guys I know are very intelligent and though they aren't very "attractive" or have many social skills, I ended up liking a lot of them. They're all really sweet and great to talk to as well. This though, may be because none of the hot...unintelligent guys would want to talk to...
  17. R

    Why are white people friendlier than asians, in general?

    It's the culture. I think traditionally, Asians are more reserved (I'm Asian). So that's why it seems like it. But there's always heaps of exceptions. You'll see its usually worse with fobs, probably because of the language and culture barrier but there's a lot that come here and are quite...
  18. R

    What's wrong with being an 18 year old virgin?

    Personally, I'm keeping mine till I get married. If you're going to do it when you're young, you don't have the maturity to handle it anyway, mentally and physically. And yeah, you're more likely to choose someone decent if you choose to wait. There's really nothing wrong about it and it's...
  19. R

    What do you think of girls with short hair?

    I'm lazy as so I like having short hair. I'm talking boy short that I can style and have fun with. Then again I pick my styles from Asian bands where the guys look like girls anyway =x mum's convinced me to grow it out for now and I have to say I've been getting more compliments...
  20. R

    Ritalin - Adderall

    Considering it affects your brain activity, I wouldn't risk it. I mean, it is made for a specific purpose. I know someone that keeps going on about taking dex but she's known to be a 'druggie'. If she did take it, didn't help her much. Go the natural way, sleep well, eat well, manage your time...