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  1. Stringer Bell


    -Sorry, the definitions of words aren't determined by the whims of little girls, but by dictionaries. - You wanted to get back on topic, by refusing to respond to the topic? But back on topic, you haven't denied that you think 'Morality is murder' (this follows from your 'I rekon definition')...
  2. Stringer Bell


    Pardon? Morality is right or wrong conduct? Your just flat out wrong (I have already provided a working definition). By your definition, morality is murder (i.e 'wrong conduct'). No wonder you were so reluctant to reveal your own thoughts on the topic; they are painfully embarrassing. Out Now...
  3. Stringer Bell

    I don't know why you think I'm those other accounts (i've never heard of them), and i'm not a...

    I don't know why you think I'm those other accounts (i've never heard of them), and i'm not a troll. Why don't you ever contribute to the discussion? Just cry 'useless discussion' like little girl????
  4. Stringer Bell


    Well he actually could of been, because the vomit he was smearing across this thread certainly had nothing to do with Morality. But yea what are your views on the topic? Could you muster a sentence or two? Or is that a bit much?
  5. Stringer Bell

    Anyone do Bachelor of Communication in Journalism?

    -Not really, I didn't feel safe in the classes -Not very good, the janitor had to take the class a number of times -No, well i had to work at an op shop for some reason - I got a raw ATAR of 26 but due to the bonus point scheme (hehe) i got into UWS B Comm. Yea its a great place to be, stay...
  6. Stringer Bell


  7. Stringer Bell


    In fact, if your inferior brain had been able to comprehend my arguments you would have realized that I am an Atheist. I doubt you even know what is meant by 'Morality', you probably mistook this thread for a discussion on Dress Knitting.
  8. Stringer Bell

    What is your financial status?

    I'm Riiiiichh Biiiiiitch
  9. Stringer Bell


    Why do you support that statement? Do you even understand what is being said by the adults? I just saw you are a Female, obviously you're not smart enough to even understand what is being said by the males, so please, yell 'stupidzz uselesss arguementszz' and go to the Cooking thread.
  10. Stringer Bell


    Cool. Prove me wrong and contribute something to the discussion.Why is Mirakon right to assert that "Hell, all living things are a result of consciousness"?
  11. Stringer Bell


    You have nothing intelligent to contribute to the thread. Go back to the cupcake thread with your intellectual equivalents. Out.
  12. Stringer Bell


    Wait, so why are you here? You just scroll through internet debate topics and yell 'get along guyzz plzzz'? Leave it to the grown ups please. Out.
  13. Stringer Bell


    Smell your mess, dog.
  14. Stringer Bell


    Do you even have any views on the topic, or just are you just a +rep puppet sock account for Mirakon and his cronies?
  15. Stringer Bell


    I think I re post this, as when rubbing a puppies nose in its urine, we need to disciple Mirakon, he must learn that such absurd statements have no place in intelligent discussion. So smell the mess you have made, dog, and never do it again in my house.
  16. Stringer Bell

    Parramatta Campus Parking

    Wouldn't leave my car at UWS unattended, apparently the professors try to badge them.
  17. Stringer Bell

    what are you craving atm?

    Mirakon to admit his lies.
  18. Stringer Bell


    Excuse me but you excluded your self from the conversation when you announced 'Morality is relative', this nonsense statement (you may have well proclaimed 'Team Work is relative') is the hallmark of those who know nothing of the topic and are, effective immediately, to be ignored.
  19. Stringer Bell


    Of course morality is influenced by society...READ MY DEFINITION Morality is any system of interlocking values, practices, institutions, and psychological mechanisms that work together to suppress or regulate selfishness and make social life possible. You have no clue.
  20. Stringer Bell


    HHAHAHAHAHHAHA. What kind of constipated toilet mind comes up with this stuff? How to you manage to operate the key board?