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  1. B

    Highest vs. lowest scaling extension subject?

    Not really, Music 2 (a creative subject) scales better than Ancient/Modern History, Biology, Business Studies, even CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS (non-creative subjects)
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    Highest vs. lowest scaling extension subject?

    According to , Music 2 scales a bit better than History Ext (34.2 instead of 33.7) whilst Maths Ext 2 scales heaaaaaaps better than History Ext (a whooping 43.2 versus 33.7) I believe it is the highest scaling...
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    Good HSC books on Albert Speer?

    Does anyone know any good books on Albert Speer that organises information according to the syllabus? Because the one I have right now is very scattered and I prefer a more methodical one that goes dot point by dot point. Thanks. :)
  4. B

    Is a 98/99+ ATAR looking achievable at this stage?

    Hi guys I'm aiming for an ATAR of over 98, ideally a 99.10. My school isn't typically known for doing well in the HSC, as we are currently ranked in the 300s, which is kinda laughable, but I predict we will rise up this year, as there are quite a lot of intelligent and hardworking people in...
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I got 90+ in all subjects except Ancient History. >.< Darn changing interpretations of archaeologists FROM THE 1960s... A+ to me for writing an entire page about Giuseppe Fiorelli, who is 1800s. But then again, the question did say to write about changing interpretations of archaeologists...
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    It depends on your subjects. I do all humanities so that's what I do. But I think it might be a bit different for math/science subjects.
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    So I know I've made a similar comment before, but does anyone feel a little afraid of leaving school? I, for one, feel like I'm not ready. It will feel so weird not seeing the faces I've been seeing for six years. It's a relatively small private school, so there's a high degree of familiarity...
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Four weeks?! I'll be quite annoyed, considering you'll only have 3 months to wear it. Don't know how people in your cohort would take that TBH haha, my grade went crazy last term because they weren't giving us our jackets before the term ended (This was in Term 1) and boyyyy did my grade make a...
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Also, does anyone have any idea what they want to do @uni?
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Midterms finished today! For me, at least. :) Praying that I did well... How's everyone else going? P.S: Am I the only one who's been having sad thoughts about high school ending? I'm now vowing to make the most of these few months left, because I have a feeling I'll miss the familiarity of...
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    Your experience at usyd / unsw ???

    Are different faculties (for example arts vs business vs law etc) located in different areas? So the people you'll most likely be interacting with are from your faculty only?
  12. B

    University and ethnicity

    Actually, I take that back. Wouldn't it depend on the faculty? For example, commerce/business/finance would have more Asians than the humanities/law/arts faculty?
  13. B

    University and ethnicity

    Hey, So I know University of Sydney / UNSW have a lot of Asians. Where do all the (majority) of whites go? For example, if UoS and UNSW is like a selective high school in terms of its ethnicity population, then whose the private or Anglican schools of universities? Thanks :) P.S: Not...
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I mean it's 1.3k
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Hey guys, need advice Neither of my prepared creatives have much of a plot going on. Particularly for Ext 1, where it's stream-of-consciousness. Would I be marked down for this, even if I do make the concept of discovery or genre conventions explicitly known? And how long are Module A essays...
  16. B

    HELP for creative writing

    Hi, Neither of my prepared creatives have much of a plot going on. Particularly for Ext 1, where it's stream-of-consciousness. Would I be marked down for this, even if I do make the concept of discovery or genre conventions explicitly known?
  17. B

    Is law really that prestigous and how bad is oversuplly in it

    Yeah, I've heard that too. A lot of people want to do it (although not everyone can get the 99+ to actually get in straight away), and a lot of people do end up doing it, but heaps end up dropping because it is rather rigorous. My cousin made it to Masters, she told me that by the time she got...
  18. B

    What degree do I need to work for a newspaper?

    I'm guessing journalism? How well do the jobs pay? Do I need some experience now? (like writing accolades or freelance jobs) I'm going to do some research after I finish studying tonight, but if anyone has any information/knowledge/tips, then please help? :) Thanks guys!
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Has anyone ever used the method of writing out notes then retyping them? Is it effective, especially if you sort of just wrote notes then left them there without revising, and only just started coming back to them? Hope you're all managing stress/study/notes/life in general well. I'm stressed...
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    HSC Half Yearlies

    English Advanced: I must've written like 20 drafts of the same essay. My teacher was very, very good at giving feedback. We got our pre-circulated questions last week. I need to now adapt my essay + memorise it, then think of a way to adapt my creative + memorise it, and then have a quick skim...