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  1. I

    belonging synonyms???

    I would agree with you there - some of my favourite personal Belonging synonyms are not on that list so it just depends on your own interests and what you interpret Belonging/not Belonging to be. Don't for a moment think that list is the end all and be all. Your teachers probably didn't give you...
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    Belonging Short Story

    "She must've attracted quite a few stares on her way home, and yet it was almost reluctantly that she began covering up her trophies with thick dabs of makeup." Maybe you could rework this idea to emphasise the belonging, not belonging aspect as a more core part of the story. Like, refer to...
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    Upfront partial payement for student contribution.

    Make sure you know that a discount you get is on the partial amount you give, NOT the total HECS debt. But I *think* you can get 20% discount off second semester units if you pay before the next census date for second semester. Either way any non compulsory payment off your HECS will be given an...
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    MQ General chatter thread

    For me personally when this happened I was told to call up the department under which the unit was full and ask them up to open up another tute, 'cause they have to if the others are full even if it's only for one person:P You're probably not the only one this happened to and if you've checked...
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    Blackboard password

    Oh sorry no idea then, worked for me :o Contact the IT department?
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    Blackboard password

    I believe it's the same one you made for your Student Portal login, which I personally made the same password as my e-student login so as not to get confused. If you've done that it should be the same password to enter blackboard i.e. online units.
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    Buy and Sell thread

    Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2 If anyone's selling resources for any of the following please PM me with edition, condition and price:) : ABST100 ANTH150 ENVG111 LING110 PHL137 POL107 SSC100 SOC175 Thanks:) And apologies in advance if I don't decide whether I can buy it or not until...
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    Orientation Day

    I went today and I personally definitely think it was worth it. It was like 10 bajillion times better than enrolment:P Mentors are pretty friendly and whilst I usually think peer support is a waste of time, I think it helped to have a group of people to talk to doing a vaguely similar course to...
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    Should we harvest the limbs of paraplegics

    No way! It's not right to give another living person's limbs away for whatever non life saving purpose. That's what prosthetic limbs are for. It's completely inhumane and makes people sound like spare parts factories rather than actual human beings. Besides, sometimes paraplegics recover, and...
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    Ritalin - Adderall

    NEVER EVER TAKE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION!!! Seriously, it is way too risky and probably won't help even a little. Coming from someone who knows heaps and heaps of people who've gotten at or above your ATAR goal (including myself and my sister) I only know one person who used...
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    who has started their pip

    Hey there lil-chilean=) Have you thought of making your PIP topic a bit more specific 'cause consumer culture is pretty broad so it might be better to choose a particular age group/type of consumer culture. But it's up to you:)
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    Help asap with my pip

    Think of topic names near the end, now you should just focus on choosing your PIP focus. What is it that appeals to you about this topic? You're going to have a lot of difficulty pursuing it if doesn't really interest you. Also, how are you going to prioritise primary research with such a...
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    Pip hypothesis.

    Yes please, you probably don't intend it but be very careful what you write or it'll come off sounding unethical and racist. =)
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    Best ways to get questionnaire distributed?

    There are other sites you can use if that's the issue. Like I think which has unlimited questions for free- it can be a real pain to organise questions on it compared to surveymonkey but it gets the job done:)
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    Blair "i'll do it again"

    The problem with Blair's statement isn't so much eradicating a dictatorial leader, it's doing so under false pretences. Documents were leaked that there wasn't reasonable suspicion over Weapons of Mass Destruction. If they really existed, I cannot fathom why at least one weapon wasn't found...
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    Diamond on the tooth. Hot or not?

    Definitely not. Teeth grills are gross, whether it's on one tooth or all of them. Plus, it looks like a cover up for a rotten tooth.
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    POLL: Is it fair that teachers are allowed to teach at their child's school ?

    As many have suggested I think it's acceptable as long as the student isn't unfairly advantaged/disadvantaged because of their parent teacher. I reckon it's best they're not in their class but it depends because if the parent is the best teacher for that subject and doesn't act biassed then why...
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    Battle of the Broadband Providers!!!

    We used to have the Telstra 12 GB plan but moved up to 120 GB for $50 with TPG. We pretty much just hibernate our computer so it automatically can download torrents offpeak time and turn off at peak time so it's pretty convenient if you download alot/ have a lot of users. However, I reckon...
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    Do you know anyone who's never got a Pass at uni?

    Thanks=D That is extra comforting since I'm heading to MQ this year:)