Search results

  1. B

    Which ethnicities/ethnicity is a NO for you?

    nope 2 tones bby, or how can i say up and downs like normal languages would whereas all other have more than 4. yep i mean the region only that region not other places. nope. the most mututally non intelligle of all chinese languages. i would know.
  2. B

    What is investment banking?

    ah i see.
  3. B

    What car do you drive? (the new one)

    he's pro since 2006
  4. B

    What is investment banking?

    y not just drive there lol
  5. B

    What is investment banking?

    lawyers tsk tsk
  6. B

    hi breh add meh as friend

    hi breh add meh as friend
  7. B

    What is investment banking?

    you all pros
  8. B

    What is investment banking?

    thanks op :)
  9. B

    What is investment banking?

    ^ rep me ivy's friend :) (seremify)
  10. B

    What is investment banking?

    hk yy disparirty is like 55. usa is 40 something meaning the pay is more balanced. and it's true if u go to hk regarding hte disparity
  11. B

    Asian Hair

    mines was english 3 unit maths 4 unit business studies economics and something i forgot
  12. B

    Asian Hair

    nah my face requires me to tie my hair up. it become oval shaped that way. if i leave it down it looks uglier
  13. B

    Asian Hair

    TOP bby
  14. B

    K-pop music fest in Sydney

    saw kpop music fest advertisement on bus today lol
  15. B

    Attractiveness and interviews?

    it's better if you are intelligent then show the cleavage. that scenario i assume gets you taken more serious and is the best combination.
  16. B

    Attractiveness and interviews?

    a bit, but if u stuff up it's no use i think
  17. B

    What is investment banking?

    ahh seremify i remember him irl. so early
  18. B

    thanks for rep LOL

    thanks for rep LOL
  19. B

    oops wrong person LOL

    oops wrong person LOL
  20. B

    thanks for rep lol

    thanks for rep lol