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  1. Leffife

    Is it worth it?

    With 10 units, you have no 'cushion' whereas with 12 units you do.
  2. Leffife

    Lying about atar to parents?

    Lying will prove nothing and so what they cannot kill you... police exist for a reason. Just pick up the phone and dial "000". Schools do NOT email your parents about your ATAR, but your ATAR will be mailed to your address a day or two later after the official release.
  3. Leffife

    A new perspective on the atar?

    If you want me to be more exact then check out the following: 99.95 ATAR = $10 80.00 ATAR = $5 55.00 ATAR = $0 Straight to Uni* = $3000 * If I didn't already did school
  4. Leffife

    A new perspective on the atar?

    Money is worth way more than just an ATAR. Apart from saying that I cant tell exact figures about their relationship.
  5. Leffife

    Hsc help nedded

    So you are looking for an ATAR < 99? Sure that can be easily achieved. You can just keep at this rate or maybe even try your best and it will be achieved.
  6. Leffife

    Physic Prac

    You can't build a DC motor within ~ 1hr. If they are going to do something with a DC motor it would most likely be just assembling and running it and measuring the _______ , also with other questions of course.
  7. Leffife

    Drop EXT 1 maths?

    If you are doing 11 units, then don't really focus on maths at all. Just use it as general knowledge, since it wont count after all.
  8. Leffife

    Biased teacher.

    I never did Ancient History, but are you serious? That definitely isn't an appropriate model and definitely not a 25/25 answer. I think you may need to speak with the Dean.
  9. Leffife

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread 2013

    And then a few people who were involved in the protest were arrested due to inappropriate behaviour.
  10. Leffife

    Age Difference

    I prefer the same age, but if not then don't go beyond ±2. Worst case scenario is ±5. But anything beyond that is just out of the equation.
  11. Leffife

    Talking to guys

    Since you will be most likely talking to an asian guy then from what I know mainly (not all cases), it's always great to talk about maths and video games. Most asians tend to love those kind of things, so it wont be a risky approach. Oh also add food to that list.
  12. Leffife

    Mathematics is killing me!

    It's only preliminary. On the side note there are plenty people here who can assist you, just ask.
  13. Leffife

    best coffee on campus

    Buy green JBMC beans. You can make one of the best coffee...
  14. Leffife


    Obviously there may be some tiny fluctuations in your mark due to different interpretations or bias-based reasons. In these kind of situations there should be at least 2 teachers listening to the speech and then average the score. If there aren't at least 2 teachers listening to your speech and...
  15. Leffife

    I got an N award warning today

    You must at least attempt and follow your teacher's expectations. I know this is only preliminary and I have a feeling you will drop this subject ASAP, but doing absolutely nothing is just the wrong attitude. You can fail this subject but show that you are at least putting some sort of effort...
  16. Leffife

    When is a function NOT differentiable?

    When a function isn't continuous it cannot be differentiated.
  17. Leffife

    Chemistry books for self study

    Chemistry 2nd Edition by Julia Burdge is a great book if you want to go in-depth with certain topics.
  18. Leffife

    simplify this

    You just have to realise that multiplying this one by 'x' is probably the fastest method. You realise "x^-1" = "1/x". Then by realising this if you multiply the numerator and denominator by "x" you will remove the "1/x" to form "x" making it look neater... etc. Well that's pretty much why it's...
  19. Leffife

    What are Uni Timetables Like?

    Yes. When you enroll in your subjects you will be given a variety of times to select and you will then decide which one you want.
  20. Leffife

    What are Uni Timetables Like?

    Mainly the engineering and science-related ones will tend to be longer (i.e you will have longer face-to-face hours). In terms of commerce from what I've heard you wont have that highish workload compared to the ones I mentioned above. Well, university timetables are quite a pain at first when...