Search results

  1. J

    Aeronutical engineering

    Does anyone do aeronautical engineering? If so what's the course like? And what are the future occupations you can obtain and the ones you hope for?
  2. J

    Marvel vs. Capcom 3

    YES!!!!! This will be sooo good
  3. J

    Anyone a part of a Study Group? Or want to be?

    yeh i might be keen for that yeh ancient or modern?
  4. J

    Study hours

    yeh i think its hard to find study time when i have lots of hw to do. Would anyone else count hw as stuy or nah? Also i think that anything more than 3 hours for non-test times is stupid as its like an information overload but that's just my opinion
  5. J

    Study hours

    How much do people study? Do you want to do more? Or do you think you are doing enough? and why?
  6. J

    The future

    Is there anyone else out there who is not 100% sure on what they wanna do when they finish school?
  7. J

    Thoughts Wanted.

  8. J

    Thoughts Wanted.

    i think your doing a pretty interesting topic. I really doubt anyone else would have done that before. I live in an area where graff is pretty big so im used to it. I rekon peaces are can be awesome but some can just be crap. Apart from that i.e. normal tagging i dont really see the point...
  9. J


    How do i add one?
  10. J

    hey, i havent been on bos for awhile so i just got the msg u left me yeh you should be getting a...

    hey, i havent been on bos for awhile so i just got the msg u left me yeh you should be getting a call by my mum in the near future If u would like to tell me your experience etc. that would be great Thanks
  11. J

    2010 where are you going?

    fiji beach comber!!!!!!
  12. J

    What topic should I do?

    well in my class some ppls topics are the berlin wall, kkk, atomic bomb, illuminati to name a few
  13. J

    sutho shire?

    anyone offering tutoring in sutho shire? any of these subjescts: advanced english 2/3 unit maths ancient ext. hist physics business
  14. J

    Half yearlies

    mine are in weeks 8/9 so they are spread out i suppose. No exam for ancient wooooo! but heaps nervous for my other ones
  15. J

    Tips, Tricks and Advice for the HSC

    Re: HSC Exams coming soon? they start on the 14th of Oct so work out the days
  16. J

    civil w/ architecture

    yeh i think ill just do architecture, i mean i like maths and physics and stuff but i love the art stuff
  17. J

    civil w/ architecture

    thanks for the help guys
  18. J

    civil w/ architecture

    hey guys im stuck, i cant decide whether i want to do civil w/ architecture, just civil or just architecture. Just a few questions: 1)Can anyone explain to me the actual difference between say a civil engineer(structural) and an architect? 2)Anyone done any of these courses? If so how was it...
  19. J

    What's your worst/best memory of high school and why?

    haha some of these are heaps funny best: -epic fights -bluding in buisness -dropping chem!!!! -in year 3 when a girl in my class spilled pva glue all over her artwork -getting heaps good in tests -when my maths teacher farted...and it was a woman worst: -practising so many fire...
  20. J


    is there anyone who is actually excited about going back to school this week? coz i sure am not