Search results

  1. E

    How much should I be studying a week? Yr 12

    An hour of study per day and listening / doing my work in class got me an ATAR of 89.35. I also had 3 study periods per week (50 minutes each) which I used to do homework and assignments. I did really easy subjects (general maths, standard english, etc) so my workload was pretty small. With...
  2. E

    Uni lodge........advice please

    I can speak French and Dutch. :hat: What percentage would you say are international students?
  3. E

    Need some help

  4. E

    Uni lodge........advice please

    I'm in the same boat as you. Missed out on all my preferences and am now under consideration for UniLodge. There's quite a few people in this position actually. I really don't think it will be all that bad. What's so bad about UniLodge?
  5. E

    Information on Accommodation

    Oh ok thanks. I live a long distance from any city so mail usually takes a couple more days to get here. Probably won't be going anyway, dosn't seem important enough to fly down for lol.
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    Information on Accommodation

    What / when is this?
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    B comm at unsw, usyd or melbourne university? HELP

    No sarcasm. I'd much rather study at a multicultural university as opposed to a monocultural university.
  8. E

    B comm at unsw, usyd or melbourne university? HELP

    Because multiculturalism is a good thing.
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    Information on Accommodation

    I emailed the accommodation management and they said that we should find out about our accommodation arrangements by the end of the week.
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    B comm at unsw, usyd or melbourne university? HELP

    Those three uni's are all top notch for Comm. Personally I'd go with USyd, but if you hate travelling then UNSW it is. How long you would have to travel to get to USyd as opposed to UNSW?
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    Equity Scholarships

    The start-up and relocation scholarships didn't make it through the senate, so as of today they don't officially exist. The legislation is being brought back into parliament in "early 2010" - so hopefully they pass and we get them just in time lol.
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    Avatar (2009)

    I'll probably just catch it on dvd. Most peoples reactions to the film aren't exactly on par with the media hype.
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    Skins is awesome, I'm about half way through season 3. I think I like the first generation of characters better though.
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  15. E

    Please help me

    There are plenty of country highschools ranked in the top 200. Don't think that you're at a complete disadvantage, as long as you work hard you will be fine.
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    What languages do you speak fluently?

    English, French and Dutch.
  17. E

    Shifting an Accepted Offer to 9TH pref.

    Yeah I swapped mine to 9th pref. I'm happy with my course I'm just curious to see if I can get into anything else lol.
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    John's vs Fenner

    Consider yourself lucky you're being considered by a college. Most of us have missed out on all our preferences and are being considered by UniLodge, which shouldn't be too bad anyway. If you still want to change your preferences you can do so by emailing them, the email address is on the...
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    Search "laptop" in the search box, there was a huge thread on laptops like a week ago.