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  1. R

    Miley Cyrus hates asians yo.

    i'd put my dick in milleys mouth see what her eyes look like then
  2. R

    Is Tafe For The Dumb

    no but i have looked at the subject outlines, and the subject content is REALLY SIMPLE.
  3. R

    Why are there so many ugly building around Macq?

    Uws has some decent buildings.
  4. R

    Miley Cyrus hates asians yo.

    all religous freak are hypocrites.... just makes me sick really
  5. R

    Final Round Offers!

    coz there not really her friends. shes just a fucken sticky beak who wants to brag to her parents about how she got into a better course than her cousins
  6. R

    UAC preference system question

    read the handbook faq u finish HSC 2 years ago and u cant even comprehend a simple concept.
  7. R

    impossible to get HD in CHEM1 an 2??

    yes it is very hard. out of 150 people last year i know only 3 got a HD....... fucken stingy dogs
  8. R

    Chem or Physics bridging course?

    chem is very easy, i never did chem in hsc but was one of the top students. its just one of those subjects where the FOUNDATIONS are paramount, if u dont have the foundations u will just struggle struggle struggle, no matter how hard you try to study. i know some students who drop out of...
  9. R

    Hours of Uni per week

    just stay at home save the hours travelling and getting ready for uni, instead just do all your readings and tut questions at home. studies have shown people who study by themselves at home do MUCH better than those who attend uni.
  10. R

    HSC @ Tafe '09 :)

    forget the HSC. redo the HSC just to get a decent UAI to get into uni? remember your goal is to get into uni, not to get a good UAI. who cares about UAI... do the tcp or do tafe diploma for 1 year. u can transfer to uni after 1 years diploma if u get A and B's which isnt hard at tafe.
  11. R

    Is Tafe For The Dumb

    tpc is very simple.... at best its year 11 material.
  12. R

    can you get kicked out?

    for being a dumbshit. no. they dont care. even if you fail 10 times, just re-enroll. tafe is for dumb cunts anyways
  13. R

    CHEAPEST way to get textbooks

    all my subjects have new text from last year or the editions have changed. u mayaswell buy NEW then sell them secondhand. regain about 60% of original cost
  14. R

    Advanced Mathematics @ USYD

    people who got FL's?? well what do u think?
  15. R

    Does anyone catch a bus from parra station to uws campus parra?

    just make friends quick and start scabbing free rides
  16. R

    Year 12 Subjects and Medicine

    if u are good enought to get the required UAI, do any subject u want. chemistry and biology in 1st year is pretty baisc shit, no harder than HSC, probably even easier
  17. R

    law transfer for macquarie university

    hahhahaha i got into Usyd combined law suck shit guys hahahahha
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    Doing second degree after completing first - regarding GPA

    go to a new uni definitly resets GPA. stay in same uni but transfer course, may or maynot reset gpa. u will have to check the uni.
  19. R


    for fuck sakes guys, your 8 months from the HSC and your only gettin 4 hour sleep now??? geex chill the fuck out and get some sleep