Search results

  1. jazzzod

    Error in my HSC timetable?

    The software used to signify to the BoS if a student has dropped a course is malfunctional; often it takes up to 4 attempts to correctly communicate with their servers, not communicating these failures to the school.
  2. jazzzod

    Possible to get 72+ Atar?

    You will be able to, just work a bit harder, and you will achieve that goal. Still a long time to improve.
  3. jazzzod

    Favourite study snack...?

    Chocolate. by the kilogram. xD
  4. jazzzod

    Atar guesstimate

    70. Don't listen to these delusional elitist fucks.
  5. jazzzod

    Is it morally permissible to hunt retards for sport?

    You questioned its validity. I condemned him and told him to go fuck a tree. Comprende?
  6. jazzzod

    Cannibalism is not compatable with real Democracy.

    Why the fuck do you make these shit threads.... ?
  7. jazzzod

    Is it morally permissible to hunt retards for sport?

    Your argument is weak and invalid. /Closethread. Go fuck a tree or something.
  8. jazzzod

    How Happy Are You With Life?

    I have almost no self esteem, most of the time. Probably have depression. And as a result, I socially isolate myself. *Sadface panda*
  9. jazzzod

    Cheapest Place to get your computer built

    Get PC mags, check adds for best prices. Or call local custom shops and get a quote for a set build, then ask if they can beat each others prices, etc.
  10. jazzzod

    The right to have sex with an animal??

    Serius, I truly fear the future of humanity because of people like yourself.
  11. jazzzod

    Best Music in A Videogame

    WoW - LK, specifically the Grizzly Hills soundtrack. Amazing stuff. YouTube - WoW: Wrath of the Lich King - Grizzly Hills Soundtrack
  12. jazzzod

    How do you prepare for an exam?

    I drink goon. Yeahh boii.
  13. jazzzod

    Hi Cecily :) Was fun talking to you lastnight.

    Hi Cecily :) Was fun talking to you lastnight.
  14. jazzzod

    Hot teachers

    Several, zomg. zomg.
  15. jazzzod

    Beautiful men not attractive as the opposite sex

    What the fuck. @ all this. Seriously.
  16. jazzzod

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    Alright in everything except for math. But not too concerned to be honest. Overall I am pleased :)
  17. jazzzod

    How's stuff? :D

    How's stuff? :D
  18. jazzzod

    New Rider in next Inheritance Book?

    Hadn't thought of that series for 5 years until reading this thread. Oh no, just remembered the movie - ARGHGHGH.
  19. jazzzod

    Do you look your age or younger/older?

    I think younger, however, other people say I look my age, which pleases me :)
  20. jazzzod

