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  1. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    did you even read and watch what i posted? yes it is true that abbott wants to do that - but he also is contemplating internet filtering like rudd, except hasn't made policy because... well he's a policy-free zone.
  2. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    no u. lol since lolsmith blocked me he cant respond. LOL
  3. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    tony is still contemplating that, too. this is not a debate (for once) with labor the only ones who care. listen to this. YouTube - Tony Abbott on Conroy's Internet Censorship Plan i agree with tony on this issue(omg thats a first) so if you disagree with me your disagreeing with...
  4. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    i didnt say you abused children - the guy with the 'tl;dr' post did, who i agreed with on a bulk of moral stuff he said. thats all.
  5. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    i can guarantee just as much as you can, which is not much.
  6. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    i havent lost the debate - i am for a working filter and i stand by that and since the policy won't be re-introduced until 2011ish, things will most definitely change during the next yearish. i repeat, i am for a working filter, which doesnt necessarily mean that i am for the current filter...
  7. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    i agree. my only concern is the mechanics of the policy ie. whether it will block the right sites - which im pretty certain it will. i guess people like Snowfox are using scare-tactics to suggest otherwise. what im trying to say is i agree with your moral outburst on people like snowfox, and i...
  8. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    im quite proud of my 2 red bars tyvm. explain how my logic and reasoning is wrong when i haven't even taken part in the debate recently. i think you should check yours.
  9. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    im not even debating the bloody filter for christ's sake. im just spamming the thread with political-related videos. jesus christ - you must be desperate for someone to argue with... but unfortunately i dont care anymore about the filter lol. its dead policy to me.
  10. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    i would expect no less from you.
  11. Lauchlan

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    yeah tony got a fair share of 'negative rep' from his epic fail on the 7 30 report. also the gov't is now labelling abbott as 'phony tony'. if an election took place now i would say that kevin would return. tony has his work cut out for him indeed.
  12. Lauchlan

    Australian Politics

    heres something Highlights of Tony Abbott's budget reply - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) i hope someone is writing this down as a gospel - otherwise tony is not promising anything (source: tony abbott)
  13. Lauchlan


    Re: All Year 11s doing 2U MATHS, BILOGY, GEOGRAPHY, LEGAL STUDIES, SOCIETY AND CULTUR what other good books are there for 2 unit besides the common answers of excel, understanding maths, cambridge and fitzpatrick.
  14. Lauchlan

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    i would direct everyone's attention to poll results.
  15. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    your hopeless. not only do you misunderstand my position - you very much assume my view on other separate matters. dont even bother trying to respond, your misinterpretation of everything i post has reached a new low.
  16. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    i didnt even comment on the link you fool. you disagree with me - thats fine - but dont give me these pathetic gross exaggerations, assumptions, generalisations and stereotypes. i will now supply you with this below (note that i am not commenting because i think you all can make judgements...
  17. Lauchlan

    Who thinks they've chosen the WRONG SUBJECT?

    if you think that then you should justify why. simply quoting me doesn't prove anything since it is open to interpretation.
  18. Lauchlan

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    +1 and his explanation is most likely to be 'because it is'
  19. Lauchlan

    School Certificate - Year 10.

    im pretty sure this is the last year the SC will take place. if you dont believe me - google for media sources (i cant be bothered to)