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  1. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    the internet filter has relevence to 'internet censorship'. its two ways of sayng the same thing. read what i wrote underneath the links and actually comment on the vids.
  2. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    YouTube - Tony Abbott on Conroy's Internet Censorship Plan YouTube - Tony Abbott joins Q&A YouTube - Tony Abbott on Homosexuality and Gay Marriage YouTube - Bill Henson photos double standard Says Tony Abbott tony abbott exposed. here are some sources. i particularly like the question for...
  3. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    consider the following fact most australians are for "a filter" (just not the one steven conroy is proposing)
  4. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    there is a bipartisan agreement ie. both parties have these intentions scuba quick - he said the 'i' word! :o
  5. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    both parties (labor and liberal) agree that there are child porn websites from overseas that people here can access - and they both agree that it should be stopped. im not saying the proposed filter will work - im saying the concept is good. and dont give me that 'intentions' crap because...
  6. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    no. why? because i have a shread of self-moral.
  7. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    thats why i dont back the policy.
  8. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    it is censorship (in a sense) but not the bad censorship your talking about. im not backing it (because i havent seen the details) but i think it aims to get rid of overseas websites with child porn in them ect. i was answering the question "since when have govts been able to censor...
  9. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    its basically the same thing, because what he said was based on what wikipedia says.
  10. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    a general overview is sometimes not good enough. in that case wikipedia is NOT the way to go.
  11. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    not all lectures (again you liberals try to make huge assumptions) - just those that rely on wikipedia
  12. Lauchlan

    Rudd will lose this election

    censorship has happened many times before eg. during war. this isnt censorship - everyone is blowing this out of proportion and it probaly wont even get passed in the senate anyways.
  13. Lauchlan

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    lol just losing the election would be good enough for me - but you have a right to dream :P
  14. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    its common knowledge - for the academic it is not considered reliable. FACT. why? because ANYONE can edit it. my point is proven - thats how its done.
  15. Lauchlan

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    you just gave an example of "completely pointless statements that don't prove anything" (refer to bolded).
  16. Lauchlan

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    then who reviews the house of review? ect. ect.
  17. Lauchlan

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    i wonder why your employer thinks that.
  18. Lauchlan

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    thats scuba for you.
  19. Lauchlan

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    lol always finding ways to show up scuba..... its not easy since he takes his word to be law.