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  1. johNNyboy772

    Our own board

    wow mega thread necro :) (thread is from 2003 which is before i was born lol)
  2. johNNyboy772

    Biology vs. Economics

    do eco it scales better :D /troll
  3. johNNyboy772

    Regretting or Hating any subjects?

    I totally hate english I would regret it if it wasnt compulsory
  4. johNNyboy772

    stress relievers?

    exercise, and plenty of it! eat well or play some games :D
  5. johNNyboy772

    Graphing question

    can someone graph for me lnx / x ? How can we find out whehter at the origin the graph approaches origin or neg-infinite? without using the calculator to sub a point in
  6. johNNyboy772

    Answers to past HSC papers?

    i don think teachersget official answers from bos if anything, they can only write what THEY think is the correct answer
  7. johNNyboy772

    Studying on public transport?

    reading on train / bus makes me dizzy why would you even do it, just do it at home
  8. johNNyboy772

    HSC Physics exam

    What hsc mark does a 96 correspond to? by this i mean aligned mark
  9. johNNyboy772

    Syllabus development

    Just giving this thread a bump Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what the HSC will be renamed to (if at all), once ACARA gets their sh*t together?
  10. johNNyboy772

    POLL: Is it fair that teachers are allowed to teach at their child's school ?

    nothing wrong with it as long as bias controls are in place they have to send their kids SOMEWHERE - may as well be where they work (ease of transport? bully protection? lol)
  11. johNNyboy772

    So my teacher told me to stop giving ATAR Estimates...

    LOL I can totally judge someone's ATAR in the first 0.5 seconds of meeting them :D hahaha
  12. johNNyboy772

    Question - ATAR / Subject related

    A loaded question... how hard is a function of your own ability, your own tolerance for suffering, your subjects' scaling (already known, mostly), and 'x' factors ;) Short answer: easy :)
  13. johNNyboy772

    lol hsc

    wont stay pumped for long a year in year 12 is a loooong year ;)
  14. johNNyboy772

    Dux College

    i went for Physics... It was quite fast but then they did tell us beforehand that it was strictly a 'revision / overview' course, and not as a replacement for year-long tutoring or self-study... I found it helpful because it was revision for the 1st module, and they focused on the key concepts...
  15. johNNyboy772

    Dux College

    i went to their holiday course at their Parra branch and it was very helpful. The tutor was awesome. he was very 'into' the subject - i give him 10/10 for enthusiasm/humour :p i'm most likely going to sign up to their yearly course for a few subjects this year. They seem to be the cheapest out...
  16. johNNyboy772

    How do you beat naturally smart people?

    WORK HARD the hard worker will always beat the smart bludger in the long run but if the smart guy is also a hard worker, then ur incontrovertibly fucked. :)
  17. johNNyboy772

    Is it possible to achieve 99+ ATAR from taking both histories?

    Ancient history won't help as much as history extension and modern history the short answer is prolly 'no you can't get a perfect atar with both histories' but theres nothing stopping u from getting close to 99.95 :)
  18. johNNyboy772

    Which career path would you like to pursue in the future?

    I simply want to be an engineer
  19. johNNyboy772

    Dux College

    Dux college is opening in parramatta in 2010 - does any1 have experience with the parramatta branch? heard good things about the company so Im thinking of trying them out..