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  1. melonkitten

    Is it possible to do well if Maths Extension 2 without a tutor?

    Re: Is it possible to do well in Maths Extension 2 without a tutor? do note however: regardless of whether or not you have a tutor, you WILL stumble and fall many times throughout the course.
  2. melonkitten

    I missed my HSC exam...

    how unfortunate. have a cry, its only the hsc.
  3. melonkitten

    My school sucks so much that it won't even have a music class for HSC T_T

    1. go to private school 2. stfu
  4. melonkitten


  5. melonkitten

    do i still have hope anymore?

    no, and im pretty sure you are jordankuai
  6. melonkitten

    Is it possible to do well if Maths Extension 2 without a tutor?

    If you need a tutor, you shouldnt be doing the subject. Tutors are common amoung cunts and faggots (selective schools) Just work by yourself and you should be fine.
  7. melonkitten

    Homocide problem, any tips?

    homocide. have sex with a gay man.
  8. melonkitten

    Bestiality in Australia

    ok, lets put this to rest: My cat seems to enjoy it. /thread
  9. melonkitten

    Bestiality in Australia

    I challenge you to find something more beautiful
  10. melonkitten

    ☼☼☼Want new MuSIK Player - no Ipod☼☼☼

    conformist, and expensive (relitively) (not really that much)
  11. melonkitten

    Mathematics scaling

    why would you even consider this??
  12. melonkitten

    Screen goes blank while working on things - Sony Vaio

    you are procrastinating! your warrant will run outbefore u know it. GO GO GO
  13. melonkitten

    Bestiality in Australia

    Bestiality is pretty natural imo. We should not be looked down upon for natural desires
  14. melonkitten

    Intolerable and maturity.....

  15. melonkitten

    What was the last CD you bought?

    Nope, the correct answer: Absoulute Tossbags
  16. melonkitten

    Screen goes blank while working on things - Sony Vaio

    That is a hardware problem often experienced with that particular model after warranty (I assume warranty is over). It is MUCH, MUCH cheaper to buy a new laptop. I had the same problem and tried to get it fixed, but it would have costs almost $800