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  1. D

    Molar heat of combustion Question

    Yeah, fair enough I really suppose also how many marks the question is. But for the most part I agree.
  2. D

    Molar heat of combustion Question

    We don't have enough info to work out Q1. There is a few reasons for the expermental value being lower. E.g. Heat escaping into the surroundings, incomplete combustion of the substance, inaccurate apparatus.
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    Bad cohort

    Bio may have more relavant course material to med, however if you don't get a high enough ATAR, for the most part doing/ not doing bio will not make any difference. However what I would say is if you think that bio could mathematically be one of your best subjects keep it irrespective of your...
  4. D

    Anyone here use lead compounds/electrodes at school in chem?

    I think lead is fine, in metals in prelim we were using it. I don't see why it would be any different.
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    What's the difference between Biopol, PHA and PHB?

    From memory you only need to be able to recall one biopolymer, I did PHB in class. Personally If the dotpoint only says you need to know one knowing more just clutters you mind imo. Unless you find the comcept of bio-polymers utterly captivating then have at it I suppose.
  6. D

    Scaling of subjects

    Ok 2 unit maths scales higher than bio. 3 unit english will scale better than physics. 3 unit maths scales higher than 3 unit english!
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    Can I still get an E4?

    If the top the get 90 percent external and you are one of the top three then you will get an E4, to my knowledge at least.
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    Biology 2013ers MARATHONN

    Hahahaha, I would love to write a biological anwser to what homeostasis is. Oh wait our biology class is still doing the first prac :/
  9. D

    4 unit raw mark

    No we are not! if you look at this source it shows 50% in MX2 scales to about 83 hsc mark, so assuming that the aligning says about the same for the new layout of the test his estimate is quite accurate.
  10. D

    Study guides?

    I have used the excel study guides for year 11, and I have them for physics and MX2 at the moment I may get more (not sure though). But my logic goes like this, the more traditional textbooks like conquering chem, jacaranda for physics are better because the info is better but also it is NOT...
  11. D

    All values of x issue

    I would say assuming that you're not doing the HSC and there is no assesment marks which carry on for your HSC. Just say to yourself ok I didn't adhere to the techers convetion therefore I lost a mark and get on with it. I mean you probably might have a case to argue but at the end of the day as...
  12. D

    Which MX2 Textbook have you 2013'ers been issued from your school?

    I have been issued a J.Coroneos textbook from 1966 lol, Only for complex numbers though. Must say though this book has stood the test of time, its really good imo.
  13. D

    What does it take to ace general maths?

    But if OP has 12 units and bombs general it wouldn't destroy her ATAR. You know what I would do keep maths until you have done say 50% of the internal assesment if you have a higher rank in gen maths than some of you're other subs, keep it otherwise it mabye worthwhile to cosider dropping that's...
  14. D

    What are the laws regarding forcing students to drop to general subjects?

    I know this may not be what you want to hear, but I think the teachers input is usually very valid. Unless they are a total arseface in which case stick to 2 unit if you have your heart set on it at the end of the day its your life, your choice you know. As for the teachers input I was willing...
  15. D

    The year 12's of 2013- long-term HSC goals.

    My goals are: MX1 - about 80 if higher yay. MX2 - if I can pass and get top 3 rank in class yay. Chem - I want to keep my first and a low band six. Physics - Try and get first (I did in the yearlies but not overall) and again hopefully high band 5 low band six. Bio - My filler subject top 3...
  16. D

    15 Units?! What should I drop?

    I'm doing 12 units now but I'm actually like actively summarising and doing questions, and all that shizz which is taking up heaps of time, I think anything more than 12 units would drive me mental but to each their own I guess.
  17. D

    Sport Bonus Points?

    Thats awesome that you represented the state, but I'm suprised that they let you back date six years.
  18. D

    15 Units?! What should I drop?

    Yes, I remember reading about that now. However I wonder what constitues annother subject you know, like Chem, phys and bio are all science but they are counted as different subjects. But then again chem and phys are different to a Extension subject so I'm not sure
  19. D

    15 Units?! What should I drop?

    However if you're set on doing 13 from what I have read drop physics and do 13 units.
  20. D

    15 Units?! What should I drop?

    Annother option would be if you're really interested in the History path you could go, MX2, EX2, Hist Ext go for 11 units?