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  1. C

    Is it reasonable to get a 95+ ATAR with these subjects and how difficult would it be

    hello! is it possible for you to recommend me some good ucat resources? also, how did you decide when was the best time to book the ucat?
  2. C

    How to get better at responsive writing and English ?

    I personally follow these steps: 1. Know your texts IN AND OUT. Know all of the themes, ideas, concepts, perspectives, values, etc. you can discuss! 2. Practice essay-writing. Start with generic questions, then narrow your focus down to specific questions. When you are writing your essay...
  3. C

    What does meaningful study actually look like?

    hey! by revision, do you mean just reading your notes - e.g. trying to just memorise the information? Or, do you suggest things like flashcards? I'm using flashcards right now to revise, but I'm open to any other suggestions for effective information retention :)
  4. C

    Looking for some advice as I start Year 11

    Focus on your English!! I regret not focusing and improving on my English much more in Year 11 (I scraped As for most of my assignments and essays). English can literally your make-or-break - by this, I mean that even if you do amazing in all of your subjects, you have to do well in English for...
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    Is it possible to get 95+ in Maths Ext 1 & 2 without tutoring?

    For someone who goes to maths tutoring, I can tell you that (from my experience) it's basically for getting a head start so that during school, you can manage your workload better. But that doesn't mean that you go to tutoring and that's immediately a B6 in maths - it's more like the tutoring...
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    #2022 HSC Chat

    hey! do you have any links to free online HSC past paper questions? I'm currently trying to find questions per topic/syllabus dot point (e.g. biology), but I don't see those much online :)
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    Just got my first year 12 assignment. What do I do now?

    What did you do with the past papers after you used them? revisit them, or just looked over the solutions?
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    Medicine 😎

    would it be possible for you to let me know what kind of environment the unsw med interview is? I know that it's MMI, but are the questions super difficult, are people really competitive, etc.?
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    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    hello! how did your daughter prepare for her interview to "stand out" and show that she has these qualities?
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    because WSU med is only 1 degree, do you know if this will heavily impact hospitals' preference for medical student graduates?
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    tips for spending the summer holidays wisely?

    hey! i am in a similar (but slightly slower haha) position to you now. I'm a little ahead for bio, a module or so ahead for chem, revised maths + future maths topics in the holidays (ext 1 and 2), and prepped for my next module for English Advanced + wrote and edited another essay for the Common...
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    Class of 2021, do you have any comeback moments during your HSC year?

    wow!! that's so good :o how did you effectively study for exams, and be organised? I need tips for time management - tutoring, school, homework, test prep, module-making schedule, revision... slowly dying haha
  13. C

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    Hey! Thanks for such great advice :) I had a couple more questions! 1. When and how did you start preparing for school exams, especially with limited resources (i.e. past papers released by the school)? For my first HSC assessment block, I began preparation a MONTH early, but this still made...