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  1. E

    Economics Multiple Choice

    D. This is because when you're experiencing a boom, countries buying your exports will push your dollar up. The more people buying the Aussie dollar, the less of our currency is available. In year 11, you learn that people who compete to purchase a product which is in low supply will demand...
  2. E

    Maths or Science compulsory for Year 11/12 Students

    Out of something like 50 maths teachers I've come across since kindergarten (now in year 12) perhaps only 5 I think were half competent on reflection. Yet I could hardly remember any science teacher I have come across who was incompetent. That explains why I continually raked up A's in science...
  3. E

    Calculating Tariffs (Past HSC Question)

    I'm not sure if I'm simplifying this so much that I'm incorrect... but a government does not raise any revenue if a particular point has no 'square' to, so speak, colour in as revenue... ? Obviously at 25 there's room to move from 25 / 90-110.
  4. E

    Modern history vs Economics

    Modern is by far the heaviest in content (I use to think Economics was). The thing with economics is not content but depth. You need to understand a few things in a lot of depth, while in modern you need to understand a lot of things in mild depth.
  5. E

    Year 10 Science Research Project Ideas?

    I did how effective different laundry washing powders and liquids were in washing coffee / tea off a piece of fabric or cotton. Can't remember the details.
  6. E

    Free essay giveaway from a 99.95 student

    Cheers. You made the right choice going with a Kafka piece. I love him.
  7. E

    Favourite cartoon shows from childhood

    The simpsons would be the obvious one... I have very fond memories of Cliffard the big red dog, the tv cartoon version of Batman. Bernard was quite nice.
  8. E

    Economic convergence???

    Yes, well, you're both right. Often adopting similar policy is the only way in which poorer countries can 'catch up'. It's worth noting that per capita incomes are independent of GDP so it isn't actually catching up. A nice analogy is if you consider how much more easier it is for a fat person...
  9. E

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    A monobrow.
  10. E

    Favourite Director

    I don't have an exclusively favourite director, but top 3... Christopher Nolan, Orson Welles and Ridley Scott probably.
  11. E

    Advice from a graduated HSC student on how to excel in After the Bomb (essay writing)

    Re: Advice from a graduated HSC student on how to excel in After the Bomb (essay writ Thanks for that. So I take it times changed pretty much from a day to day or week to week basis, according to the content? For philosophers, do you recommend exclusively using philosophical arguments for the...
  12. E

    Gotta do n awards by monday or i get kicked out

    If your school has confirmed to you that you have failed year 11 Chemistry and there is no way of not failing it, then yes... you can't go to year 12. And that means you can't go to year 12. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it - unless you figure out how to hypnotise every single...
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    Can you read my writing? Please leave a comrent on wcthes you can or can't and if you think a marker would have trouble decipvering it. It is pretty easy to figure out the messy words. Your writing is very good.
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    a book that made you cry

    pilgrim's progress
  15. E

    Advice from a graduated HSC student on how to excel in After the Bomb (essay writing)

    Re: Advice from a graduated HSC student on how to excel in After the Bomb (essay writ How much time did you dedicate to Extension 1 on a daily/weekly/monthly basis?
  16. E

    'DISCOVERY' related texts

    It's not our mark that will compensate for the fact we're the first to do discovery. It's the question.
  17. E

    'DISCOVERY' related texts

    Glad I'm not the only one caught in a quandary trying to find a related text for this bloody topic. I can't even think of anything. For every text about actual discovery there are a million on self-discovery.
  18. E

    Subject help required!!!

    School captaincy duties are much less time consuming than you think. I reckon you could keep French, History Ext and SORII all in the one go. You'll do fine ol' darlin.