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  1. harrietty

    Fonts and Sizes

    Pen and paper all the way. :)
  2. harrietty

    Another 2 weeks and it starts

    Mm, I don't feel ready, I'm too young!! Haha, but seriously, I'm just trying to be relaxed about it and try to do my best.
  3. harrietty

    Back to School Shopping for HSC??

    I finally found someone who is doing majority of the same subjects as me! :D As far as shopping essentials, apart from the books, I recommend sticky notes or coloured paper for revision as they say colour triggers memory, it kind of worked for me in prelims so yeah. And I just use stapled A4...
  4. harrietty

    Subject Scaling

    Look at my subjects (in the signature), can they actually get me to my ATAR goal? My choices are supposedly worse scalers than yours .. Also, advice: Do Advanced English, it's kind of harder, and there is some pressure to be good, but we were told (and it also says on another post on here) that...
  5. harrietty

    What is so wrong with doing Standard English? EXPLAIN!

    My opinion is that standard doesn't scale well for a reason, people only pick it because they have to, and they aren't committed to it, therefore they distract and disturb others and ultimately bring down the marks of the class... People are much better off picking advanced if they want a better...
  6. harrietty

    Will dropping to 10 units affect my ATAR that much?

    I decided I will keep it, and yeah, I know most of the subjects I've chosen aren't good scalers (which is why I'm freaking out) but I chose the subjects that I was good at and that would help me, so since I'm ranked first in every single subject I suppose it was the right choice.
  7. harrietty


    Yeah, we get ranks instead of grades in senior years.
  8. harrietty

    Will dropping to 10 units affect my ATAR that much?

    That's actually a good point. I'm probably gonna drop Ancient History because I don't need it, although I'm doing well in it, I'm doing better in other classes.. But if I get an average mark in it, is that better for my ATAR than dropping the subject if I'm still doing okay? It just confuses me