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  1. Fortify


    The Winkler method involves the reaction of sodium thiosulfate and oxygen gas with manganese and iodide ions as intermediate reactants. o Step 1: Oxygen oxidises Mn2+ (2Mn2+ + O2 + 4OH- → 2MnO(OH)2). o Step 2: The resulting solution is then acidified and iodide ions are added...
  2. Fortify

    2001 HSC Question.

    For ONE specific metal, evaluate the steps that can be used to clean, stabilise and preserve artefacts recovered from shipwrecks. Let's use Iron . Can anyone help me out ?
  3. Fortify

    Belonging - 2 supp texts okay!

    Good Source . I think my dog is a marker as well.
  4. Fortify

    Chemistry Predictions??

    True, the HSC is becoming more and more unpredictable.
  5. Fortify

    What software for writing maths on computer?

    Design Science: MathType - Equation Editor
  6. Fortify


    Parmesan Oregano Meatballs Cheese Lettuce Tomato Cucumber Carrots Onions Olives Pickles Salt&Pepper Honey Mustard :9
  7. Fortify


  8. Fortify

    i want you ;) LOL maybe something bigbang or sth :S so yu want jaychou merch ?

    i want you ;) LOL maybe something bigbang or sth :S so yu want jaychou merch ?
  9. Fortify

    hsc papers..

  10. Fortify

    YouTube - Sooyoung and Tiffany Speaks English in Factory Girl lolololol

    YouTube - Sooyoung and Tiffany Speaks English in Factory Girl lolololol
  11. Fortify

    nahh seriously what do you want

    nahh seriously what do you want
  12. Fortify

    hsc and expectations

    Just party it all out :D
  13. Fortify

    hsc papers..

    I normally do most of it in 2 - 2.5hrs and have a good 30min to check.
  14. Fortify

    LOL put namu in yur dp

    LOL put namu in yur dp
  15. Fortify

    yehh like what of it

    yehh like what of it
  16. Fortify

    Help!! What is the colour of Barium Phosphate?

    But then Pb2+ is the 1st ppte out according to this:
  17. Fortify

    Help!! What is the colour of Barium Phosphate?

    I think this one is right, I checked both Jacaranda and Conquering Chem says this/
  18. Fortify

    Help!! What is the colour of Barium Phosphate?

    For phosphate, add silver nitrate solution and it'll form a yellow precipitate (silver phosphate).
  19. Fortify


    Instead of cramming, how about looking over your weaker topics ?