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  1. E


    Yeah, where most of the undergrad courses were turned me off of it really. I need to find something I like I suppose. Dentistry sounded good at the time and I'll still keep it in mind, got 1 year to decide on anything at least.
  2. E

    50 internal/50 external for ATAR

    Oh yeah, wasn't trying to get that message across hah, I know that. If anything, this school has inflated my ego since I am 'smart' but I'm not amazing, this school has sort of made me felt like that sometimes though. Lately I've realized what it's actually like, which I'm glad. I plan on trying...
  3. E


    heh, that is true. It's mainly because I can't think of anything I'm so passionate about I would love doing it for the rest of my life and a big portion of it. I know pay isn't everything but it pretty much determines your lifestyle. Dentists make good money and the hours/time isn't as obscene...
  4. E

    Asylum seeker debacle

    Lol can't believe people on this forum want to send the asylum seekers back. They are seeking asylum for a reason, we as Australians should welcome them to this superior country. Why would we turn them back? Besides, look how massive our country is and then look at the population. This...
  5. E


    Yeah, I didn't quite understand how difficult it was, closes uni out of that list is in orange lol, need to consider some other careers ugh. Thanks for the help everyone.
  6. E

    50 internal/50 external for ATAR

    Thanks, does that mean going to a school with small classes and poor performance on average makes it easier to get a good atar lol? Since topping all of my subjects probably wouldn't be too difficult at my school. Or is that all taken into account heh.
  7. E

    50 internal/50 external for ATAR

    Does this simply mean 50% of your atar is from trials and 50% is from hsc exams or 50% from all assessment tasks in year 12 and 50% from the hsc exams?
  8. E


    Hey, looks like to become a dentist I have to get a bachelors degree (preferably 3 years) and I can choose whatever I want, do some equivalent of a human biology unit and then do the doctors of dental at USYD. I thought this could be a good opportunity to do something I'm personally interested...
  9. E

    Actuarial Studies

    So basically, nothing unless I get a super high ATAR for UNSW Actuarial Studies, too bad. Physics it is then, I guess.
  10. E

    Actuarial Studies

    But majoring in actuarial studies with a bachelor of commerce is still viable right? I mean to get into the institute and all of that stuff? Because it doesn't look good for getting into Bachelor of Actuarial Studies :P
  11. E

    Actuarial Studies

    So If I focus hard on 2U math and study 3U probability in my own time I should be good to understand all the new stuff and lectures and not get stuck on the basics?
  12. E

    Actuarial Studies

    Hey BOS, seems like a few years ago there was a massive increase in the amount of people wanting to do Actuarial Studies, not sure about now. Anyway. I know that it's very math intense with probability and statistics in mind, only problem is, I do 2U Math at school, currently in year 11. I...
  13. E

    Representing and Response Task

    Long time lurker but this assignment is making me feel weird. We basically have 3 parts Part 1- Make a poster (Lion, Witch and Wardrobe movie) Part 2- 2 A4 pages for a comparison to Norther Lights (done, easy) Part 3- Justify certain techniques and such that we did in the poster. Basically...
  14. E

    Advanced English Representing and Response Task

    Long time lurker but this assignment is making me feel weird. We basically have 3 parts Part 1- Make a poster (Lion, Witch and Wardrobe movie) Part 2- 2 A4 pages for a comparison to Norther Lights (done, easy) Part 3- Justify certain techniques and such that we did in the poster. Basically...
  15. E

    Low Ranking School ATAR

    Hmm, that link helps me out a bit :awesome: That helps a bit, cohort>school as a whole as people seem to get more serious in year 11/12. Seems good.
  16. E

    Low Ranking School ATAR

    Hey guys, I've read the sticky topics and seem to have grasped the concept fairly well. One concern I have is my school. It's very low ranking. I think it was in the five hundreds out of six hundreds on this page, not sure how accurate it was. Now I was reading for internal (class assessment)...