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  1. want2beasenior

    holidays: study vs. play?

    As of today this is my plan and it seems to be working 8:00 am wake up 9:00am- 1:00pm study 1:00pm lunch 2:00pm relax, chill, enjoy holidays I just switch it the other way if I'm going out in the morning!!!
  2. want2beasenior

    Survey on morals

    1)Do you agree with most laws set up by your government, specifically criminal law? Most of them 2)Is there any circumstance where it is ok to take the life of another person? yes, Euthanasia 3)Is there any circumstance where it is ok to steal? If you are living on the street and need it...
  3. want2beasenior

    Questionnaire on sexualisation of music lyrics/videos

    1. Gender: M/F Female 2. Age: 10-15 16-20 21-25 25+ 16 3. Do you listen to popular music? Yes 4. Do you watch music videos? No 5. “Shush girl shut your lips, do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.” Do you find these lyrics offensive? Yes 6. “If you like it then you...
  4. want2beasenior

    PIP Questionairre - Effects of Fast Food Advertising on Teenagers

    Age: 16 Gender: Female How often do you buy fast food? - Once a day - Few times a week - Once a week - Once a month - Never What fast food restaurant do you frequently visit? I don't really frequently visit any fast food restaurant What form of fast food advertising do...
  5. want2beasenior

    1/3 of the way through year 11

    We're nearly 1/3 of the way through... How are you guys feeling about the HSC? What's year 11 like so far? It's freaky to think in 20 ish weeks we'll be doing our HSC...
  6. want2beasenior

    Anyone regret their subject selections at the moment?

    No, i chose legal studies because the other stuff, not necessarily crime, which is interesting. At the moment i'm missing out on a ton of class because of it and my teacher is ridiculously incompetent. Next year may be different content-wise, but my class won't change because they can't and...
  7. want2beasenior

    Anyone regret their subject selections at the moment?

    Everything is good but Legal Studies. I am up there ranks wise, but my class is really stupid and the teacher has no control. Mock trial and the fact that there is nothing else on that line is keeping me in there at the moment. Crime may be interesting, but not when you have a dumb teacher with...
  8. want2beasenior

    Memorising an essay! tips?

    Just keep on writing your paragrpahs over and over again so you know what you're saying: but don't be too rigid
  9. want2beasenior

    individual Research Project

    do what you can do easily, then you are less likely to make errors, but at the same time challenge yourself. Cheese is too hard, nothing to really measure
  10. want2beasenior

    English listensing exam

    Take notes on the first listening relating to each question. Then on the second listening add in things that you didn't get.
  11. want2beasenior

    Extension Englsih 1

    We are doing an in-depth study of the life of Shakespeare
  12. want2beasenior

    MODERN HISTORY: Che Guevara or American Civil War?

    Do whatever topic you think would be the most suitable for you... If you want to be different and go all Motorcycle Diaries then do Che, if you don't do the American Civil War. Whatever works for you, Dillon :D
  13. want2beasenior

    Questions about the school certificate

    Just pay attention and make sure you know what the teacher is talking about. Summarise according to the syllabus + do past paper from a few years ago. Its only year 10, but I get that you want to do well. Good luck :)
  14. want2beasenior

    english ext. 1 assesment task

    if I were doing that assesment task I would select texts that all have common themes and context so then you can make easy parallels. If your texts do that then it sounds good
  15. want2beasenior

    bio or va =/

    I do VA and i personally find it very very brilliant that i can sit and read about art and just draw and paint and stuff and actually have the marks go towards my HSC! The course is 50% theory, so if you don't like writing and analysing art then it may not be so wise. But if you don't mind...
  16. want2beasenior

    Mock Trial

    Yeah I'm doing it but there's been a mix up with what school's doing what so it may take a while to get it all sorted.
  17. want2beasenior

    prelimenary english

    The play you can read, and there's also a film adaptation. It deals with the notion of euthenasia and the role of authority in making moral decision often against their institution's doctrine. It would be a good related text for that area of study.
  18. want2beasenior

    free laptops?

    Although my school is getting them like i said, everyone I know wouldn't even use the laptop in class because it isnt practical and for school things we prefer to write anyway. If I were to write all of my notes on the laptop I would hardly retain anything I'd be so immersed typing. And a laptop...
  19. want2beasenior

    free laptops?

    We'll be getting it for two years, then I think we can either pay more money and keep it or we can give it back to the school. I think it's the Macbook becuase that's what the year 7s got. But the downside = SUPER HEAVY BAG :eek:
  20. want2beasenior

    Science: Student research project, any ideas?

    Hell yeah there are tons of American sites with suggestions for all of their 'science fairs' and the like which will give you a ton of ideas in detail. My advice is to do something simple that you understand, that way in the actual experiment you have less room for error.