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  1. F

    HSC 2017 MX1 Marathon

    For question 3: \text{Let }f(x)=ax^2 + bx +c \\ f^{\prime}(x) = 2ax + b \\ \text{Sub in }x=k, f^{\prime}(k) = 2ak + b, f(k) = ak^2 + bk +c \\ \text{The equation of the line with that gradient and passing through that point it;} g(x)=x(2ak+b) - ak^2 +c. \\ \text{By solving simultaneously, to find...
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    1995 HSC Complex Number Problem

    Re: 1995 Complex Number Problem Wow! Seems much more involved then I thought it would have been. Thanks InteGrand!
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    1995 HSC Complex Number Problem

    Re: 1995 Complex Number Problem Yeah I did, I've fixed it now. How can you be certain that it doesn't "overlap" over the previous roots, such as it is a root but not a "principal" root?
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    1999 Binomial Identity Problem

    Hi, In the 1999 MX1 paper, question 7 B. How do you do it? Thanks
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    1995 HSC Complex Number Problem

    Hi, I was looking through past papers and found the 1995 MX2 paper question 4 a, and I wasn't sure how to tackle it. The question is; \text{Find the least positive integer k, such that } \cos(\frac{4\pi}{7}) + i\sin(\frac{4\pi}{7}) \text{is a solution to} z^k=1. How do you do it? Thanks
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    Synonyms for discovery?

    Hi, Has anyone got any good synonyms or alternatives for using the words "discovery", "discovers" and "discoveries"? All I can currently think of is "find" or "found". Thanks
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    HSC 2017 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2017 4U Marathon Is x a real or complex number?
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    Formula vs. Table of Values

    Ok, thank you very much :)
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    Formula vs. Table of Values

    Hi, For annuities the excel textbook has formula's for future and present value, are we meant to use these or just a table of values? Thanks
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    Questions Regarding Being a Mathematics Professor

    Hi, I'm interested in the career possibility of being a pure mathematics professor at university. Though I have a few general questions about the career; 1. Once you obtain a degree in pure maths, what's next? Do you get a masters, PHD, further study? 2. How does one become a Mathematics...
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    Square Roots of a Complex Number

    Thank you very much for that braintic, I have not seen it proved that way. Thanks InteGrand
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    Using Ratio of Successive Terms in Binomial Expansion

    Ok, thank you very much. I will not quote the formula
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    Using Ratio of Successive Terms in Binomial Expansion

    Also, in the syllabus ( page 83 they show the following working out: For (3+5x)^{20}, \frac {t_{k+1}}{t_k} = \frac {5}{3} \frac {20-k}{k+1}. Whilst they don't actually state the formula, the jump from the ratio...
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    Square Roots of a Complex Number

    Hi, In the syllabus it states that students should be able to "prove that there are always two square roots of a non-zero complex number". How do you do this? I haven't been able to find anywhere with a good proof and none of my textbooks have it. Thanks
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    Question using triangle inequalities?

    In the sole 4 unit paper? Which question?
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    Using Ratio of Successive Terms in Binomial Expansion

    How come? Why is it quoted in textbooks such as Fitzpatrick and Margaret Grove?
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    Methods of attacking a problem

    Hi, Every now and then I run into a problem and solve it using the "usual" methods taught, however I then see a counter example where they attack it in a different way, and in some cases solve the problem much faster. E.g. eddie woo on this binomial identity problem...
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    Using Ratio of Successive Terms in Binomial Expansion

    Hi, When finding the greatest coefficient in a binomial expansion do I have to algebraically solve \frac {T_{k+1}}{T_k}, or can use that \frac {T_{k+1}}{T_k} = \frac {b(n-k+1)}{ak} in the expansion of (a+b)^n ? Thanks
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    Question using triangle inequalities?

    Hi, I know we are taught the triangle inequalities in complex numbers, but apart from proving them, what questions can be asked from them? Has there been questions previously asked in the HSC using them? Thanks
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    Question 7 Of Ekman's Compilation

    Hi, I eventually gave up and looked for the answer on the net to question 7 complex numbers in ekman's compilation of questions asking "Simplify \sin(x)+\sin(2x) + \sin(3x) + ... + \sin(nx) ". When I looked at how to derive it, it all involved e^{ix} and t+t^2 +...+t^n = \frac...