Search results

  1. Mythril

    Asian guys are out-competed by white guys for asian girls

    From your statistics, I can point out that my statement that NOT All Asian girls like older White men is still valid. 49% does not mean ALL as ALL is referring to 100% and so far the statistics that you've used to prove your fact that "Of course all asian girls LOVE and PREFER white cocks, old...
  2. Mythril

    Asian guys are out-competed by white guys for asian girls

    Isn't that too much of an exaggeration? By saying that "All Asian girls LOVE really old White men", it shows your racist attitude and your ignorance to this issue. I am an Asian girl myself and I can say with certainty that NOT "All Asian girls LOVE really old White men". There are Asian girls...
  3. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    There, there *pats head*. I made even more stupid mistakes when it came to my school yearlies. In my year 9 maths yearly, I drew a diagram of a triangle and while doing that I did the subtraction that would give me the final answer to the question and instead I put that answer as the side length...
  4. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    You'll still probably get a band 6, at the least an A9. My maths teacher before the sc was saying before how she was a sc maths marker and how the maths ranks were different and was divided into 10 sections like A10, A9, B8, B7, etc. So don't worry, I'm sure you'll get into band 6, you're really...
  5. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    However, the mean is the central tendency of the entire population meaning that most of the population would be between that category, give or take one, and plus if it's a decimal you either round it up or down and I can't remember if there was any outliers in the question. But if I did get it...
  6. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Science

    Well, either one should be fine as they are both scientific theories but as long as you have convincing evidence to support your theory.
  7. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    I put mean because the mean is basically the average and most people fit into the average category.
  8. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Science

    Lol, for that question, I thought they wanted a different scientific theory other than Darwin/natural selection, since that was the one we had previously done so I put inheritance of acquired characteristics, aka. Lamarckism. My evidence for that was the slow changes in a species as shown in the...
  9. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Nope, the fourth one worked. If I remember correctly, the fourth one went something like when a negative no. is subtracted from a positive no. and gives a positive answer. Basically, this one's right because if a negative no. is subtracted, the no. turns into a positive integer. Remember, a...
  10. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Hmm...for that question I remember putting down C and I checked it twice or thrice in the remaining 30-40 minutes that I had after finishing the paper.
  11. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Science

    I would have called hydrogen the common atom in both acids. You could also call it an element but the answer they needed was just hydrogen
  12. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Science

    Well, technically the womb is the uterus but uterus is the scientific term of calling the womb so I guess they would be expecting you to write 'uterus' since it's in a science paper. Also the compound that was present in both acids is hydrogen because Sulfuric acid is (H2SO4) and Hydrochloric...
  13. Mythril

    SCHOOL CERT! Math free response last question

    I guess from the equation BobMoo listed out, if you wrote any of the three equations, you were right, since the three of them literally means the same thing as they are equal to each other.
  14. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Yup, only one out of the four listed were right but I got the first one listed which was a reflection and then a rotation (I think) as correct.
  15. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    For the cake question I also got 182 pi. As for the triangle questions where we had to say whether the statements were correct or incorrect, I also only got one that was correct and that was the first one.
  16. Mythril

    SCHOOL CERT! Math free response last question

    Hey, it's nice to know that I'm not the only person who put down a similar answer. My answer was: 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3.....+n^3 = total no. of cubes
  17. Mythril

    Was your studying pointless?

    LOL, I didn't study AT ALL for sc. I just skimmed through the past papers and found it all okay and basically when our class was doing sc past papers, half of our class just went to sleep instead~~ But yeah, the sc exam this year wasn't that hard...
  18. Mythril

    Did I fudge up my English extended response?

    Thanks laila09!!! *huggles* I feel so much more relieved after hearing you say that~
  19. Mythril

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Maths was pretty easy for me. I finished everything before the time limit and spent basically 30 minutes checking stuff. For the last cube question, my expression was: 1^3 + 2^3 +3^3.....n^3 = total no. of cubes, since n was an undefined number.
  20. Mythril

    Did I fudge up my English extended response?

    Oh my gosh, it seems like everyone did so well in their english extended response. Now thinking over mine, I'm not sure if it I followed the requirements that they needed. I just sorta saw the word 'picture' and 'short story' and then jumped straight into writing it. Anyways, I chose the picture...