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  1. na110793

    Politics and you

    What do you describe yourself as?
  2. na110793

    President Barack Obama to be impeached by US Congress

    Cannot see anything, which leads to one conclusion: BOLLOCKS.
  3. na110793

    KONY 2010: Kony Posters Yeah, right.... I've been hearing rumors of uranium in Uganda...but America is going to stop Kony right? right? 'MERICA!
  4. na110793

    KONY 2010: Kony Posters

    I'd rep you, but I can't. But still, get me a first class seat on the train to hell.
  5. na110793

    Labor Leadership Spill 2012

    anti racism = anti white
  6. na110793

    Labor Leadership Spill 2012

    who didn't...
  7. na110793

    Labor Leadership Spill 2012 rigged.
  8. na110793

    Political Compass - Find out what you really are... for fuck's sake, the questions only touch on the economic aspect of right wing societies, and barely on the other aspects...
  9. na110793

    Political Compass - Find out what you really are... very dissapointed :(
  10. na110793

    Political Compass - Find out what you really are... Take the test and find out. Then post your result.
  11. na110793

    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    what in the name of fuck is going on in your sig?
  12. na110793

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    It's beautiful because it's in Greece.
  13. na110793

    Labor Leadership Spill 2012

    Re: Kevin Rudd Resigns as Foreign Minister labor camp in inner australia
  14. na110793

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    a gay boy...
  15. na110793

    Politics in Europe and politics in Australia

    that one was actually funny....
  16. na110793

    Politics in Europe and politics in Australia

    trolololololololololololololololol. i is immune.
  17. na110793

    Politics in Europe and politics in Australia

    You guise are so misinformed. Or just don't give a fuck...Most Greeks actually pay their taxes. Its the rich kunce who dont. Plus, after the Ousting of the Junta in '74, moniez that were made by the Regime were spent, and the books were bodged. So the books showed profit from then, till 2010...