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  1. O

    Do you wash your shoes?

    I put my cons in the wash if I've been wearing them out in the mud.
  2. O

    Suggestions for high-protein diet?

    I agree with everything minus this point. I never said it was good for weightloss, but I don't need to source scientific studies to tell you that people who diet usually look like shit, and thats due to a lack of nutrients. You piss out excess micronutirents and instances of young, healthy...
  3. O

    Suggestions for high-protein diet?

    Agreed with Quik. High protein diets work because protein is more filling (it takes longer for your body to break down). If my friends want to lose weight this is usually the way I suggest they do it: Weeks 1-2: Cut all high sugar foods (eg chocolate, confectionery, health food bars and fruit...
  4. O

    Christians --

    this about sums it up...
  5. O

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    what did you do to your hamstrings man?
  6. O

    Calling out Breezer.D

    You say you do a max test after every sheiko cycle... wtf? Apparently you're meant to cycle them up in volume and then do a peaking cycle eg #37, #40, #30, #32. Fuck waiting 4 months to put weight on the bar! That heavy_beats dude on's fair cool, but he only puts 10kg on his...
  7. O

    Walking vs Running, shedding bodyfat

    God fuck damn I hate cardio.
  8. O

    Walking vs Running, shedding bodyfat

    I might pass the buck onto quik sorry Omie, cardio really isn't an interest of mine. All I can tell you is that cardio interferes with recovery, and thats bad for weight training. High intensity cardio, because it is more similar in nature, impacts on recovery less so.
  9. O

    Walking vs Running, shedding bodyfat

    Running is for queers, but if you must do it high interval training is the best. I'd suggest doing sprint backs - go down to a soccer field, sprint down, jog back, repeat 6-8 times. High intensity cardio mimics weight training so its less likely to interfere with lifting. btw quik, how's this...
  10. O

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    I know I've seen it, but you're not a simple beginner :p try this: Monday: 5x5 Squats 5x5 Bench 8x3 Power Cleans OR 3x15 Pull ups/Chin ups (alternate) Wednesday 3x3 Front Squats OR 2x5 Squats (80% 5RM) 3x5 Overhead Press 3x10 Bent Row Friday 1x5 Squat 1x5 Bench 1x5 Deadlift
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    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    24 sets a workout max effort 3 days a week? you're kidding right? try texas method!
  12. O

    3 months progress, how am I going?

    Considering I'm gonna have a 550kg+ total come years end with 5 reps and 700kg by the end of next year, I'd say you are :) edit: tbh the above's not so great. Exams knock me off lifting for a week and I really pussyfooted around trying to fix problems with my form that didn't exist. I should...
  13. O

    3 months progress, how am I going?

    Tim you should look into powerlifting. Not all powerlifters are fatasses: Just lift for strength and keep your bodyfat below 15%. Fuck symmetry. Go for mass.
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    3 months progress, how am I going?

    <3 the misc. did I rep you on yet?
  15. O

    3 months progress, how am I going?

    I'm not going to argue with you. I train for powerlifting and will be competing next year, breeze competes and both of us have pretty decent totals, but I'm sure you know much more than we ever will. Edit: I'd rep you omie but I gots tah spread :(
  16. O

    3 months progress, how am I going?

    Omie, for the above post is there an ignore feature on here? I'd squat, I promise you your knees wont explode :)
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    3 months progress, how am I going?

    Thats cool man. You know I'm just gonna tell you to buy those rippetoe books :p
  18. O

    3 months progress, how am I going?

    Omie: get to 80kg.
  19. O

    3 months progress, how am I going?

    6'0. Wait till I'm 110-115kg Omie.