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  1. Niek

    2006 HSC - People and Economic Activity Question

    hmmm... I've only just started my study on this topic, but I'd probably do something like: intro blablabla introduce, define terms etc p1: past nature of activity, how and why it is changing and pretty much do that for each part ie spatial patterns and ecological dimensions.. :)
  2. Niek

    Death to skills

    Ohhhh yeah the time telling ones are seriously irritating and the ones were you get the topographic map and a photo and it's all "where was this photo taken" euuuuurgh I seriously don't get where skills fit in with what we learn, because it's mostly about impacts and management and all that...
  3. Niek

    Study Timetables?

    I made one, but didn't end up sticking to it...:mad1: So instead I just made a list of all the topics in all my subjects and wrote down when i wanted each subject finished and now I'm working towards that :)
  4. Niek

    How will you get 95+ in eng?

    make sure your quotes are really really well integrated so dont just quote it and say blabla this shows etc just slip it into a sentence :) markers love that haha
  5. Niek

    how many free periods do you have?

    15 x 40 mins each = 600 mins = 10 hours a week :) except they aren't technically free periods, we have to do homework in a teacher's room FUN
  6. Niek

    Who's going to TSFX in July?

    OH my GOODNESS the julius caesar lecture was nooooooot good the booklet was really good though.. i should have left after getting that haha :P
  7. Niek

    Who's going to TSFX in July?

    woooo pride and prejudice/letter to alice and julius caesar tmoro!!! i will be the one with the hangover hahahhaha :)
  8. Niek

    what are we doing for this module

    Our teacher told us to also do similarities, to show that things may not have changed despite a change in context etc. So you talk more about the extent to which things have changed rather than just what has changed :) But I'm not doing Bladerunner/Frankenstein, sorry! Good luck
  9. Niek

    Who's going to TSFX in July?

    Nah, didn't go to the options :( but wow, the chairs in the lecture hall were ... GREAT! :haha: I'm excited for nice chairs now!!
  10. Niek

    Need Anglo-Irish Relations Advice/Guidance

    Some awesome historians for this topic are McKittrick, McVea (they wrote Making Sense of the Troubles together, seriously recommend that book), Foster is pretty good, Dixon... it's fairly hard to find resources on the topic :mad1: But if you go to resources, there is one download FULL of...
  11. Niek

    Death to skills

    Agreed! Although I would probably like them better if I did better in that section... :haha:
  12. Niek

    Who's going to TSFX in July?

    Woo just had modern today, they were pretty good! Wasn't really sure what to expect :) Does anyone know what the english ones are like? I've signed up for one but thinking of going to a couple of others too. It mentioned that we get divided into groups for the module lectures - does that mean...
  13. Niek

    Private Schools?

    Seriously? I go to a private school and I consider myself pretty lucky, but that's just because the school fits me. I don't think I'm any better than anyone else... Plus, going to a private school does not = filthy rich. Anyone who works hard enough has potential, as you call it, no matter...
  14. Niek

    Would u still do English

    I'd definitely still do it, but only because it is a subject I do well in... I don't really think it should be compulsory though, because it brings a lot of people down even though it isn't really very useful for real life, in terms of studying texts and all that - the course should really focus...
  15. Niek

    Who is afraid they won't get their subjects?

    yeah, thats seriously annoying that demand/lines/weird system determines what you do!! i'm appreciating my school a whole lot more right now... don't know what i would do if i hadn't been able to do the subjects i am currently doing!
  16. Niek

    Who is afraid they won't get their subjects?

    my school doesn't have lines or anything like that if you want to do the subject, you can, regardless of number of students or anything i guess i kinda took it for granted - didnt realise this doesn't happen at most schools!!:eek:
  17. Niek

    How do you feel when you get your school report?

    i didnt really used to care, but i knew my parents were like disappointed or whatever but seriously it didn't matter at all to me until this year but luckily the report we just had was good =D i was pleasantly surprised haha but was pretty nervous before i got it, HSC has made me a different...
  18. Niek

    External influences on UAI and HSC Results

    Yeah, I know a few people who have had their mark affected by death in the family and things like that. But they applied for extra marks and still did reasonably well and got into the courses they wanted..
  19. Niek

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    just find out ours come on monday! yay!
  20. Niek

    Procrastination. help?

    it's a weird time of the year right now... I'm finding it pretty hard to get motivated. Pretty bad, considering we only have liiiiike one full term left? I gotta get my act together! Get a proper countdown going, I find that always helps, especially the ones that also count down the minutes...