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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    Look at question 14 2022. Also a nightmare.
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    The big difference with today’s paper was the vector questions were all reasonable. Vectors are my worst topic but today’s vector questions were ok compared to 2023 where they were an absolute nightmare. Look at last years question 15. Hardest question in the new syllabus.
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    92 to 93
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    They were perpendicular so m1 x m2 = -1
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    I got all 10 same as you. Not sure if that’s good or bad. 😂
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    97 to 98
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    Anyone prepared to put up answers to the MCQs. I thought the first 7 were straightforward but the last 3 hard.
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    All the questions in today’s exams were unique . Not like last year where there were quite a few from previous trial papers and the NSW maths association “ mastering HSC maths” text book. Good to see the examiners thinking up new material and not resting on their laurels.
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    83 to 84
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    I think E4 68% this year
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    I got t = 1/k log something
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    Did anyone get out the cube roots of the cube roots question in 16 b? I found the roots but could not answer the question. 😭
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    15 b came out ok using normal IBP method
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    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    I completed the square but did not think of sin theta. Well done!