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  1. same person

    How much study do u do in Holidays?

    Re: so whos done homework these holidays? Oh crap.....completely forgot about History Extension Project!...and here I was thinking I had done so well...back to my desk then =(
  2. same person

    What's everyone thinking/planning to do in the "big" holidays after the hsc?

    Do a happy dance, followed by happy sleep and happy partying.
  3. same person

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    A classroom was too noisy for a teacher's liking, therefore she said, quite seriously to one girl: 'Ashleigh! If you do not shut your mouth young lady, you wil force me to throw this very sharp and pointy pen in your left eye and you will burn in hell!!' This same teacher after telling a...
  4. same person

    everyones studying? ahh

    If you're particularly concerned about it, a bit of reading should be sufficient, text books, excel etc... says she who didn't do any before prelim...
  5. same person

    I got 81.00, and did nothing all year.

    Looks like someone needs a nice large slice of humble pie!
  6. same person

    Strange shocking offer

    I've actually heard of this kinda stuff happening in NSW too.....not looking at any particular university....*cough* usyd *cough*
  7. same person

    Feeling Guilty

    I have this weird reasoning going on in my head that if I go on the Bored of STUDIES website, it is somehow contributing to my own STUDIES! haha Wonder how much longer it will work for?
  8. same person

    Advice and Tips for Prelim LEgal studies

    It's fine if you didn't do commerce in 9 and 10, cause i managed just fine haha and also, just be aware that some of the topics can get a little dry, but if you stick it out it gets better :)
  9. same person

    having problems with Belonging!

    I find that these questions are the incredibly i tend to chuck in a few big words, just to make me sound smarter... for example, 'This specific example conveys that belonging is an intrinsic notion.....etc, etc'
  10. same person

    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    I realise that this is for Short Stories..... but.... I ACTUALLY FINISHED MY SPEECH!!! (well, the first draft anyway...and i felt like telling someone)
  11. same person

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Ice Princess
  12. same person

    Exams vs Assignments vs Speeches

    Speeches by far the easiest....require no effort whatsoever!
  13. same person

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    Big W had a sale.... Five 88 cent ring bound books... It was Thrilling!!
  14. same person

    Do I or don't I

    Alternatively, she could talk to him about it. If she's questioning the relationship, he probably is too...
  15. same person

    Favourite brand of shoes?

    They're not technically shoes.....but those Bonds Booties thingys with the little grip dots on the bottom....i live in them!
  16. same person

    Do you have a locker at your school

    Ahhhhhhhh....the locker debate... We fought for years and years to get lockers, they finally arrived....and are free to use, yes, all very exciting. However, my locker is placed in the most un-convenient location, now they just sit there and look pretty. But the knowledge that my own little...
  17. same person

    which of these 11 movies is the best dvd?

    Starting to see a theme in these movies...'chick flick'/comedy/romance/lack of substancial plot... I'd go with 2 days in Paris
  18. same person

    V for Vendettea

    Yup, it sure can! 'Remember remember the fifth of November, The gun powder, treason and plot, I know of no reason why the gun powder treason Should ever be forgot' Clearly I've watched that movie way too many times haha
  19. same person

    Age Difference

    do what you want i say. as long as youre willing and over the age of consent....that's important
  20. same person

    A problem has appeared!

    just remember that you can drop and pick up subjects at the end of year 11, so try and not stress too much