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  1. A Morgan Freeman

    Did anyone else find the extension 1 paper weirdly hard or is it just me?

    Did anyone else find the extension 1 paper weirdly hard or is it just me?
  2. A Morgan Freeman

    Also, why is software hsc usually always after math hsc?

    Also, why is software hsc usually always after math hsc?
  3. A Morgan Freeman

    Does SDD scale well? And what subject does it scale similar to? Also, usually around what raw...

    Does SDD scale well? And what subject does it scale similar to? Also, usually around what raw marks are needed to get a band 6, 5, or 4 in software assuming that your exam marks and moderated exam marks are similar?
  4. A Morgan Freeman

    Out of curiosity, what is the census on engineering studies? Is it hard? If it is hard is it...

    Out of curiosity, what is the census on engineering studies? Is it hard? If it is hard is it because of the teachers or the students or the course or a mixture of it?
  5. A Morgan Freeman

    Congratulations to all English HSC people. We are free after 13 years.

    Congratulations to all English HSC people. We are free after 13 years.
  6. A Morgan Freeman

    Out of curiosity what have people done to prepare for standard English hsc?

    Out of curiosity what have people done to prepare for standard English hsc?
  7. A Morgan Freeman

    What horrible thing must I have done in my past life to have to do English? Also, what is...

    What horrible thing must I have done in my past life to have to do English? Also, what is English EAL/D and why does it scale better than English standard?
  8. A Morgan Freeman

    good luck to all hsc people

    good luck to all hsc people
  9. A Morgan Freeman

    Why is English compulsory in years 11 and 12? Why not have a more useful subject like pdhpe?

    Why is English compulsory in years 11 and 12? Why not have a more useful subject like pdhpe?
  10. A Morgan Freeman

    Thanks for the encouragement man, I will try.

    Thanks for the encouragement man, I will try.
  11. A Morgan Freeman

    How to calculate your ATAR from trial/past paper marks

    What a unit you are man, thank you! This has almost alleviated my worries.
  12. A Morgan Freeman

    Should I give up on hsc? I really hate studying English. On further thought, I don't like any of...

    Should I give up on hsc? I really hate studying English. On further thought, I don't like any of my subjects. Man, what am I doing with my life?
  13. A Morgan Freeman

    this is nice you you guys thank you :)

    this is nice you you guys thank you :)
  14. A Morgan Freeman

    When using atar calculators, do I put in my estimated raw marks? I am getting so scary estimated...

    When using atar calculators, do I put in my estimated raw marks? I am getting so scary estimated atar when I do so.
  15. A Morgan Freeman

    thanks man

    thanks man
  16. A Morgan Freeman

    I have trials coming up and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me or know what kind of...

    I have trials coming up and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me or know what kind of questions popped up the most in trials. My subjects are 4 unit math, standard english, software, and physics.
  17. A Morgan Freeman

    WSU early offer

    My bad man, I meant with the True rewards program, like when giving out offers are do they look at your yearly year 11 report and the half-yearly one or just the yearly year 11 report?
  18. A Morgan Freeman

    WSU early offer

    Will WSU look at your both your yearly and half-yearly reports for the true reward program for year 11 or just the yearly report?
  19. A Morgan Freeman

    jimmysmith560 you actual saint man

    jimmysmith560 you actual saint man
  20. A Morgan Freeman

    If I got a B for advance math and a C in extension 1 math in year 11 will I get early entry for...

    If I got a B for advance math and a C in extension 1 math in year 11 will I get early entry for engineering for WSU through the true rewards program given that I get my hsc?