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  1. silentdreamer

    Class of 2012: Roll Call Ext 2 Eng

    hi there! i'm planning to do a short story, haven't really thought about the plot yet though
  2. silentdreamer

    ATAR Aim & desired uni course

    aiming for 99+ but i'm pretty sure i want to do something in health science, probably speech pathology.
  3. silentdreamer

    Roll Call: Class of 2012

    Hey guys, silentdreamer here! doing 4u english, 3u maths, 3u latin and legal and aiming for 99+ kill me now
  4. silentdreamer

    My Yearlies start tomorrow...nrggggg

    yearlies started this week as well. had eng adv yesterday which was horrible. 2u maths and eng ext today was okay, and i have 3u, chem, latin and legal crammed into the rest of this week :( good luck for yours!
  5. silentdreamer

    A couple of things....

    Don't know about physics since i don't do it, but don't drop to standard! from what i've heard, the course isn't that much easier and the aligning is so poor you'd be better of doing advanced anyway.
  6. silentdreamer

    Preliminary Past Papers

    Re: Free English Preliminary papers. thank you so much!
  7. silentdreamer


    this is year 11 work. we're covering it in class now as well, and it's not too hard once you get the hang of it.
  8. silentdreamer

    Preliminary Past Papers

    Re: Free English Preliminary papers. thank you!
  9. silentdreamer

    Graduation songs..

    the grade who graduated last year did At the Beginning from the Anastasia soundtrack.
  10. silentdreamer

    Latin 2011

    we're one of the bigger cohorts the school's had in recent years, i think our teacher was pretty surprised with the turnout haha we started on virgil this term, and it's pretty confronting, since the word order is so different from prose and the sentences are so long .______. and i think we're...
  11. silentdreamer

    Size of your Classes

    Adv. Eng - 167 in year - 22 in class Ext. Eng (compulsory for year 11 at our school) - 167 in year - 22 in class Maths - 165 in year - 20 in class Maths Ex1 - 159 in year - 20 in class Chem - 112 in year - 18 in class Legal - 42 in year - 21 in class Latin - 17 in class
  12. silentdreamer

    Horses for Courses

    although 13 units is manageable, why not ease the workload if you can? it frees up more time to study and do better in your other subjects. if you hate chemistry and you're not doing too well in it, i really don't see why you would want to keep it, as the scaling won't really do anything for...
  13. silentdreamer

    Questions about English Extension 2?

    There are various mediums you can work with, not just a short story although they tend to be the most popular e.g. a critical study, a short film, poetry, speeches etc. The EEX2 course is completely separate from the EEX1 and advanced course in terms of what you have to do, but i've heard that...
  14. silentdreamer

    Latin 2011

    latin prelim student here! we have about 17 people right now, and i think next year we'll have 15 for the continuers course and 6/7 doing extension. finding it okay for now, but the vocab is killing me :( what's hsc latin like?
  15. silentdreamer

    Moving to a selective school in year 12

    as far as i know, we usually don't take many in year 12, since we take about 20 in year 11 :/ but it's worth a try anyway. i'm fairly sure that quite a few people are dropping chem (myself included) so there will be room if you do get in. and we have 5 classes anyway, so they'll be able to put...
  16. silentdreamer

    Moving to a selective school in year 12

    hi there! i go to syd girls and you'll be in my year next year if you get accepted. you should definitely give it a try, it's probably not as competitive as you think and it's a great school :)
  17. silentdreamer

    Last term of Year 11

    i know! 3u is so much work just for one unit :( it took me ages to decide whether i wanted to do 4u because of 3u, but i ended up deciding to go with it anyway haha
  18. silentdreamer

    Last term of Year 11

    agreed, i'd be so screwed for maths. looking forward to dropping chem and taking up 4U english :)
  19. silentdreamer

    Preliminary thoughts about picking up and dropping?

    I'm picking up either Ext 2 Eng or Maths, leaning towards English at the moment, but we've still got 2 terms to go, so i'll just see how I go. Probably not dropping, but I might drop Latin if it gets too hard.