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    Tafe Mathematics

    Oh god i regret screwing around back in year 9 and 10.
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    Tafe Mathematics

    Hi. My school won't let me do Mathematics as I didn't score high enough for their exam.. which means I'm currently doing general maths.. All my friends tell me that I should do Mathematics blah blah blah as it will be a lot easier studying in uni if i picked a course involving math. I overheard...
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    Addictive/ Favourite Snacks Thread

    Big Mac sauce from Maccas with some biscuits <3
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    Coaching school for Year 6 Math and English

    IMO private tutor is always the best as it focuses on you.. This is a good website to find private based tutors >>>>> And there are HEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPS of tutors on this website.. Just msg nicely and ask them if they would tutor you. :D
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    How to write notes?

    Thank you everyone!! <3 You guys have helped me a lot!! Thanks again!!
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    How to write notes?

    English Standard, General Maths, Physics, IPT, SDD and Legal Studies.
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    How to write notes?

    Starting and not sure what I should write.
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    How to write notes?

    pls help idk what to do :( Thanks
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    Assumed Knowledge

    Sorry my bad. Thank you so much for replying I really appreciate it! :)
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    Assumed Knowledge

    Hello everyone! Sorry if this is a dumb question but for many courses in UNSW it states the assumed knowledge for the courses. For example for computer science you need a atar of 91 and its assumed knowledge is mathematics extension 1 and physics, if you are studying general maths will you be...
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    Oh okay thanks everyone! And i did standard because im dumb.
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    Hello guys Im in year 10 and this question was bothering me. I'm doing English Standard, General Mathematics, Physics, IPT, Software Design Development and Legal Studies. What is the max atar will I get from these subjects? I asked a lot of people and they give me different answers such as...