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  1. Aliyas

    How fast do you write?

    I only know because I memorised my 1400 word essay and reproduced it in 45 minutes xD It's better to do it from memory rather than copying. And I think I might try the battery thing...just for fun.
  2. Aliyas

    What have you eaten today?

    Wheat biscuit things for breakfast. Vita wheats for lunch. Also Vege Chips for lunch! :thrust: Tim Tams after school. Pizza for dinner!
  3. Aliyas

    How fast do you write?

    I don't write that fast usually, but once I wrote 1300 in 45 minutes which was quite an achievement for me. It was very messy though. Usually I'm around 1100 in 45 minutes. I was wondering how people write faster! Does the battery on the pen trick really work? Are there any other hints? And do...
  4. Aliyas

    Seriousness of the HSC & study.

    Yay, I'm glad I'm not the only one with an exam tomorrow who is procrastinating. =|
  5. Aliyas

    Seriousness of the HSC & study.

    The Wiggles are awzum.
  6. Aliyas

    Seriousness of the HSC & study.

    Calm your tits!
  7. Aliyas

    Seriousness of the HSC & study.

    I'm doing that right now. -_-
  8. Aliyas

    Seriousness of the HSC & study.

    Hahaha, well either doesn't sound like a bad job at all!
  9. Aliyas

    Seriousness of the HSC & study.

    Someone told me garbage truck drivers earn a fair bit. Not sure if they were telling the truth or trying to make me feel better since that seems like a possible career choice for me.
  10. Aliyas

    What do you want to be when you grow up (new troll free thread)

    Hopefully a journalist working for a newspaper or TV show, or a doctor. Preferably an oncologist, but we'll see.
  11. Aliyas

    Seriousness of the HSC & study.

    OH MY GOD. THISTHISTHISTHISTHIS. I had this epiphany today when I got my english assessment back and got an absolutely shit mark. And I have half-yearlies starting tomorrow and have barely done any study...I think I'm going to actually try, now.
  12. Aliyas

    Does anyone have an example AOS essay, or even tips?

    I have my half yearlies coming up on Thursday and I am going through past papers trying to write a nice response to the AOS essay question. Our prescribed text is Emily Dickinson, but for some reason I am really struggling with writing a decent response. I have searched for example responses but...
  13. Aliyas

    Hardest Exams/Assessments of Year 12

    Battery on the pen trick? Care to elaborate? :P
  14. Aliyas

    Swearing in Extension 2 Work.

    A few people in my class have asked the teacher about swearing. She said it was okay as long as it wasn't overdone - like 'fuck' or 'shit' in every paragraph. If there's a bit in that one scene I think it would be fine - just document it in your journal and maybe write about it in the RS. And...
  15. Aliyas

    What do you guys regret?

    But srsly, so far I regret keeping Physics since I'm absolutely terrible at it. I also regret dropping down to Gen. Maffs and leaving revision and assignments to the last minute. Ugh. Hopefully I'll do better after my half yearlies which start on Thursday.
  16. Aliyas

    favourite subject?

    oh bby i no
  17. Aliyas

    favourite subject?

    Definitely EE2. Followed by Biology. But I HATE Physics.
  18. Aliyas


    Mine start next Friday and I haven't started studying...heh.
  19. Aliyas

    Netbooks for school/uni - do they help?

    That's a pretty epic list, thanks =) I'll have a look.