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    CA Achievers program - 2009

    wow... thats nice.. hopefully sydney is soon
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    uai estimate please

    both around 70s to 80s Reason: 1. All your subjects are low scaling subjects, not only that, you are not doing well in them. The fact is that i know people who have got 99+ doing low scaling subjects but they actually do well in them! 2. Also, your english and maths...especially 3U maths will...
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    The Bible

    i would say that my favourite part of the bible would be Luke chapter 13. I encourage all who still have doubts, because for me, this chapter answered a quesion that has been pondering on my mind ever since knowing about Jesus, which 'why do peope still suffer' and wen i read this, as well as...
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    CA Achievers program - 2009

    do u reckon it is gonna be during uni or in the summer holidays?
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    CA Achievers program - 2009

    just wondering, do u guys remember a question asking about why you like accounting or something along those lines? what did u guys say?
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    School Captains - bonus points??

    far out, just frikin study and get a good ATAR
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    hey i need some help with a part of my assignment..

    its all under monetary policy mate! before interest rates meant nothing, but now are central bank the RBA has harnessed its power and is able to control it!
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    CA Achievers program - 2009

    Yeh, its not all about the marks...hehe... im hoping to get into sydney...crossing my fingers:)
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    commerce (assumed and recomended)

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    B Commerce (Liberal Studies) vs. B Commerce (International Studies)

    I am doing comm(international) (at UNSW) right now...and i reckon it is a good course. The only thing i reckon is not a plus going to UNSW, coming from someone who lives in the north shore, is that majority of people at UNSW live in the south such as parramatta, bankstown etc.... Its just a tad...
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    Can I/ Will people come to me for a tutor?

    what if i charge about $15 - $20 an hour?
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    Can I/ Will people come to me for a tutor?

    Like u said. I am probably just gonna do 2U, as i dont want to screw myself up in front of the people i tutor. So do u reckon people would come for 2U tutor?
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    Can I/ Will people come to me for a tutor?

    I was wanted ask what you guys think. I am not like other tutor thread, trying to get people to tutor. I just want to ask whether i am capable. My 2008 HSC marks were: 3U-92 4U-83 chem-90 phys- 88 eco-89 Adv eng- 85 NSW UAI= 97.05 would people want tutoring from me?
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    Rank the NSW uni's for particular faculties and why

    i second to this. Commerce field: UNSW MACQ USYD WOLLONGONG UTS Others The Australian School of Business in UNSW is top in Australia.
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    Confused about the case study

    just one. Your teacher just prob wants u to have more options.
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    fee paying help!!!!?!?!?

    one more question i will ask u guys b4 i make the call. I think i sorta get it now.... So the statement will always say the we owe $0, cos of HECS. and so if we make a contribution of 500, then that will show up as a credit and then u will get the 20% added value of what u contributed right...
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    do we actually have to wait till lectures start b4 we can get books?

    i am new UG and i heard some people say, that we should wait till lectures start so that the lecturers can tell us which books to get. But now that the UNSW bookshop has the textlist, should i just the ones that say "prescribed' or is it better to wait for lecturers to tell us
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    fee paying help!!!!?!?!?

    first of all my fee statement says i pay $0 since i am with HECS, i understand this part. but if i want to pay the 500 upfront in order to get the 20% thingy, i just have to pay as normal right???? i dont need to do anything special??? so i just pay 500 as per normal, and then the discount will...
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    fee paying help!!!!?!?!?

    so basically, you just pay like normal. post the 500 to UNSW and it is done right?
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    fee paying help!!!!?!?!?

    ok, now i get the HOW i actually pay the fees. But do u just pay the 500 like normal and itll automatically take into account the 20% discount?