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  1. G

    Accomodation help...

    My mistake... gosh that's crap!
  2. G

    accommodation offer is still...

    Who knows - people have been saying that those at the Rex share cooking laundry etc with Fenner and get involved in their Hall events, but most of us ickle firsties are still pretty much in the dark about what exactly external accom entails.
  3. G

    Accomodation help...

    This is stupid though, if you're a first year they have to arrange something for you. And there are plenty of us wanting to rip the Accom services a new one, we're in the same boat as you - even though most of us got Main Round offers and still haven't gotten uni accom.
  4. G

    No accommodation offers. Rex?

    Okay, new plan: the first person to hear about getting into the Rex makes a thread so we all know who's where and go out of our way to be social so we can band together on our own at least... Though I'm not a social retard, I can be shy. Maybe we should make t-shirts :p
  5. G

    NO accommodation

    I'm pretty sure they stopped regarding people's preferences way back on like the 24th. I went from Ursies (first) to Fenner in a matter of hours with no idea why or how. I went to a selective school so I'm not that big a partier, admittedly my ATAR wasn't that high but still. And I've travelled...
  6. G

    No accommodation offers. Rex?

    Ergh ditto thanks for articulating my frustrations... why say 'apply for accom now', 'first years get preference' bullshit if they don't stick to it?! And right now it's kind of too late to just go to another university because they've left us hanging for too long now. And my backup plan - learn...
  7. G

    Information on Accommodation

    Ergh, they shouldnt tell people to 'get in quick' then, because clearly it counts for jack... And I get the whole wanting a balance thing, but still people's preferences and how on-the-ball they were with applying and stuff should still count for something. I just found out one of my friends...
  8. G

    accommodation offer is still...

    Yeah, still waiting, still Fenner...
  9. G

    What electives do you want to take?

    I planned all my electives/subjects before I even got an ANU offer (I'm a retard like that) and I'm hopefully (timetable trouble aside) doing an Aus History course (what is with the lack of first year History courses?) beginners German, intermediate Spanish (provided I pass the placement test) a...
  10. G

    when is everyone moving to canberra?

    It was meant to be, drive down on 12th, stay in a hotel with parents for one night, get textbooks, then move in. But I dont get back to Aus til the morning of the 4th and with all this accom BS I'm trying to wangle more time - hopefully til the 14th, Sunday before O-Week.
  11. G

    NO accommodation

  12. G

    Information on Accommodation

    This is hell! Apparently it was meant to be sorted by Friday, and still nothing, so my dad called and asked and someone said that once all UAC acceptances are finalised by the 29th, accom offers (all the remaining ones) should be sorted by Monday. Still nothing, and still being considered by...
  13. G

    Information on Accommodation

    Goodo. Currently overseas and sitting here, checking accom portal/email whenever I can, and panicking in the meanwhile. I have to rely on my brother to do everything for me. Very stressful, but I'm glad there's a timeframe. And geez, I'd be freaking out if it weren't for this website, it's great...
  14. G

    Uni lodge........advice please

    I think people's biggest concern with UniLodge is that it doesnt have the 'college' atmosphere that the other residencies have. But since there seem to be a lot of first-years, you should all club together and make your own college atmosphere :p
  15. G

    Information on Accommodation

    That's what I'm counting on too :P
  16. G

    Information on Accommodation

    *snorts* A degree in Software Engineering and he can't work out to click the link that says 'click for instructions to accept your offer'. I couldn't get onto UAC but he had, and he told me that you can only accept by mail which should be sent out within 8 days. That struck me as odd, because as...
  17. G

    Information on Accommodation

    yeah, dammit this is so crap. I can't cook to save my life! Oh well, could be worse... I am confused though... We'll deal with it I suppose. gah i was so so excited for ANU and now it just seems like way more trouble than it's worth.
  18. G

    Information on Accommodation

    Wait, did you guys accept through UAC? I'm overseas and I couldnt get onto UAC straightaway but i got my older brother to do it and he said you had to wait for the mail from ANU, but the rest of you seem to have accepted yours already? I'm freaked out, I epic fail at life and get stressed...
  19. G

    BOS Showcase: 2009 Major Works

    I got nominated for the showcase, which is surprising because I was near the bottom of my cohort and while my school's pretty up there with English, we never seem to get any showcase noms. Also I thought my MW was pretty dodgy, though I got 48. I guess it just means it's different, because I'd...